Political science
Revenue Sharing in College Athletics | Instant Homework Solutions
My topic: Should college athletes be able to benefit from some form of revenue-sharing from the millions of dollars being generated from college athletics? Why or why not? Explain. How much revenue is being generated from college athletics and what has been the trend in revenue generation from college athletics? Guide Questions: 1. What are the contending or conflicting views, perspectives, and issue positions in respect to your paper topic? Please elaborate. 2. Based on your research, what is your position on the issue area that you have selected? Explain why.
Federal Rental Assistance | Instant Homework Solutions
post your initial response to the following questions: 1. While gross income, citizenship, and family size are all a part of eligibility criteria, the people who get rental assistance are ultimately determined by a lottery. What are your thoughts on a lottery system? Does it ensure that those who are most in need get assistance? Can you think of an alternative option to a lottery? 2. Programs like the FRA have lifted millions out of deep poverty, showing these programs do have an impact on children and their families. Why do you think Congress has made major cuts to housing assistance recently? 3. The CARES Act eviction moratorium ends on July 24th 2020. If it does not get extended, landlords have the right charge a penalty or evict families if they fail to pay their rent. Given that we do not know how long the pandemic, and subsequent high unemployment rates will last, what do you suggest Congress do to both support families with renting assistance but also not further damage the economy by defaulting rent payments?
Lockean Nationalism and Nationalism | Instant Homework Solutions
-Please READ the book “The Virtue of Nationalism” by Yoram Hazony and answer the following questions. I don’t have a pdf file, so I will appreciate if you could borrow the book by the near library. -Besides reading the book, please watch the lecture “Nationalism and the Future of Western Freedom.” The link is: Instructions: Topic: Lockean Liberalism and Nationhood Thread: Briefly describe Hazonys argument that Lockes universal rights are not sufficient to explain nationhood. Discuss your own view.
Civil Liberties Argumentative | Instant Homework Solutions
In 1957, Congress added under God after one nation to the Pledge of Allegiance. A lawsuit was filed in California arguing that rules requiring students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance with its affirmative reference to God violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment. The case of Elk Grove Unified School District v Newdow (2004) went to the Supreme Court. While the Court chose to not decide the issue by arguing that Newdow did not have standing, the establishment clause was widely discussed in oral arguments. The oral argument for this case can be found on the Oyez website for online streaming or to download the MP3 file at (Links to an external site.). Listen to the relevant selections of the argument. The school districts attorney argues this issue at 17:16 to 26:17, and Newdow, representing himself, argues the issue from 30:17 to 44:0. What are the facts of this case? Explain the establishment clause of the First Amendment? What did the courts decide and why? Do you agree or disagree with the Court? Do you agree or disagree that the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited as One nation under God?
Current Social-Justice Global Events | Instant Homework Solutions
1.) In my video on the 1st Amendment, I discussed the impact of the Supreme Court case Brandenburg v. Ohio and the imminent lawless action test that resulted from it. One of the consequences of this case was that hate speech is generally seen as protected by the 1st Amendment. Do you agree that hate speech is something that should be protected by the 1st Amendment? Do you believe that hate groups, like white supremacist groups, should have their speech protected by the 1st Amendment? Explain your response.2.) What are your thoughts about the idea of “defunding” the police? In your response, please make references to the material in the “Police Brutality” module page. Also, keep in mind that defunding does not necessarily mean eliminating the police; the arguments around defunding are more complex than that.
Powers of the US Supreme Court | Instant Homework Solutions
Not everyone agrees on how much power the judicial branch should have. After all, federal judges and justices are appointed, not elected. As most Americans believe in democracy, shouldn’t elected officials run the country? On the other hand, perhaps American government would be fairer if judges had even more power. Because they do not have to worry about reelection, they are relieved of the outside pressure of public opinion. After all, the majority is not always right. What are your thoughts on the powers of the United States Supreme Court? Do you think it has too much power today? Why or why not? If you believe it has too much power, can you think of a way to limit the powers of the Supreme Court? If you believe it can do with more power, what additional powers would you propose the Supreme Court should be given? If you believe the Supreme Court has just the right amount of power, talk about what you like about it and what can best be done to maintain the current system.
Research Background on Congressional Representatives | Instant Homework Solutions
Research the background of your Congressional representatives based on your address listed with CU – two senators and a member of the House of Representatives. Find out about their previous occupation(s), political experience, family, income, education, and other relevant demographics. What percentage of the vote did they receive to win in their last election? What are two policy issues areas they are interested in? How do these areas reflect their ideologies? Here is a link to get your started: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Write an essay. Start by identifying all three of your representatives. Then, pick the representative you are most interested in and explain why they interest you. Present the information you found in your research required above in the essay. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 4 full pages (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources beyond those provided) Citation and Writing Assistance: Writing Papers At CU (Links to an external site.) Library Overview
Cross-Racial Solidarities | Instant Homework Solutions
Guiding question: How does racial capitalism work to obscure cross-racial solidarities? How have cross-racial solidarities formed, in spite of this? What is required for racial solidarities? What have historical forms of cross-racial solidarities looked like? What might cross-racial solidarities look like today? Taking into consideration the readings from Robinson, Liu and Shange, and the Letters for Black Lives Collective, as well as previous weeks’ readings, reflect on this question using 250 words minimum (you may go over!) and produce at least two questions or connections to other readings, personal experiences, contemporary politics, other parts of history, or pieces of pop culture.
Judicial Activism Research | Instant Homework Solutions
In recent years, a number of judges have been accused of being judicial activists (p. 281). What is meant by this? Please research this concept and explain why do some criticize the idea of activist judges? Please strive for some significant substance in your answer TEXT BOOK :: American Government and Politics Today: Essentials 2015-2016 Edition By: Barbara A. Bardes
Western Style Democratic Republics | Instant Homework Solutions
In your opinion, what were the advantages of Western style Democratic Republics (such as those in the U.S., Europe, and Australia) that allowed them to defeat the Totalitarian regimes of the Fascists/Nazis in 1945, and to win the “Cold War” against the communist bloc in 1991? What are some of the features of each of these societies (including those of “everyday living”) that might entice an individual to become a part of either type of society? What are some of the aspects of both that you believe would repel a person from being a member of each type of society?
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