Political science
Global Challenges | Instant Homework Solutions
There are a list of global challenges you can choose from and you will write a report based on your analysis of the challenge. The report will have 2 aspects to it. First, you will provide a descriptive summary of the state of play for your challenge. This will require you to do some research on the nature of the problem and follow your global challenge in the news media. Second, focus on answering the following questions as much as possible. Not all will be relevant for all the challenges. Pick a few that applies to your choice. What is the problem? Why is it a challenge? Who does it affect? What is being done to address the challenge? o What are states doing? o What are non state actors doing? o Are current solutions working? If not, why? What has happened regarding your global challenge recently? Suggest policy solutions to the challenge. Note: This assignment is not designed to test your understanding of international relations theories or conceptual frameworks of any kind. It is instead meant to test your ability to analyze contemporary global challenges and/or your capacity to produce tangible policy formulations and recommendations.
The City Of New London
Kelo v. City of New LondonFacts of the caseNew London, a city in Connecticut, used its eminent domain authority to seize private property to sell to private developers. The city said developing the land would create jobs and increase tax revenues. Susette Kelo and others whose property was seized sued New London in state court. The property owners argued the city violated the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause, which guaranteed the government will not take private property for public use without just compensation. Specifically, the property owners argued taking private property to sell to private developers was not public use. The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled for New London.QuestionDoes a city violate the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause if the city takes private property and sells it for private development, with the hopes the development will help the city’s bad economy?ConclusionNo. in a 5-4 opinion delivered by Justice John Paul Stevens, the majority held that the city’s taking of private property to sell for private development qualified as a “public use” within the meaning of the takings clause. The city was not taking the land simply to benefit a certain group of private individuals, but was following an economic development plan. Such justifications for land takings, the majority argued, should be given deference. The takings here qualified as “public use” despite the fact that the land was not going to be used by the public. The Fifth Amendment did not require “literal” public use, the majority said, but the “broader and more natural interpretation of public use as ‘public purpose.'”Writing Assignment -Open the following Oyez.org web page: https://www.oyez.org/cases/2004/04-108. Read the syllabus and the summary of the case (links provided on website). Then listen (and read along) with the Oral Arguments of the Case made by Kelo’s attorney, Scott Bullock and New London’s attorney, Wesley W. Horton. Then listen to the opinion given by the court (Justice Stevens). Read the excerpts from the dissenting opinion (Justice O’Connor).This Assignment is NOT to be in essay form. Simply list and THOROUGHLY answer the questions. Here you are not working on the structure of your papers, but rather refining your ability to convey information with clarity and make compelling arguments!!!Answer the following:1. What is eminent domain? Is it an appropriate power of the government?2. What restrictions – if any – does the Fifth Amendment place on the exercise of eminent domain (“nor shall privateproperty be taken for public use, without just compensation”)?3. What was the Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo v. City of New London?4. Read the Fifth Amendment again. Do you think our founding fathers would approve of the Kelo decision? Does it matter? Does private economic development satisfy the “public use” requirement? Is it appropriate for either the state or national government to seize property from one private entity (an individual citizen like Suzette Kelo) and grant it to another private entity (a corporation like Pfizer)?5. Which political body decides what is “public use” and what is not?6. Is the “public use” requirement read too broadly, too narrowly or exactly right in the case of Berman v. Parker (1954).7. Interpret the political cartoon from Gary Brookins below, which was published immediately following the case. Explain its message?8. If you were a Justice on the Court, how would you rule in this case? Do you agree with Justice Stevens or Justice O’Connor? Explain your argument while discussing the tension between individual liberty vs. the “public good.”
The National Security Act
Choose either one:1. How would Hong Kong’s external relations be changed after the implementation of the National Security Act?2. How could Beijing sustain and further develop Hong Kong’s external relations after the implementation of the National Security Act?
The Battle Of San Jacinto
How does General Sam Houston use the attribute develops (or not develop) his soldiers during these events of the Battle of San Jacinto?1. march 11- Sam Houston takes command of the Texan Army at Gonzales. how does he develop or doesn’t during the training and modernizing Texan army2. march 29- the city of San Felipe is burnt to prevent supply/use by the Mexican army. How does he develop or not his subordinate Mosley baker to be trained enough of the incoming amy3. April 12- Houston has a war council. has a new tactic, giving subordinates a voice in the battle went against their vote anyway, and decided to attack. how did he develop or not I need this typed out as if I was briefing this to someone. each point is only about 90 seconds long. therefore i just need an example of each and how he did not use the attribute develops
Congressional Union
After watching Iron Jawed Angels, and reading Linda Fords article do you believe the film offered an accurate depiction of Alice Paul and the Congressional Union? ExplainOne Page Journal
Role Of Media
Write an essay about what the role of media has on shaping our understanding of terrorism.Include concepts and definitions of terrorism, academic literature as resources, examples.
Spin Doctors Discography
Write an essay about the question above: are spin doctors always a negative presence in politics?Critically assess the questions and provide empirical examples. Pull out key arguments and discuss within the context of the question. Answer the question with an argument, analysis, evidence and examples. The essay needs to be a maximum of 2,000 words and minimum 1,900.
Electoral College System
Please choose 4 issues and typed-double spaced, 3 pages per topic write your thoughts, analysis, pros, cons, research, examples, thinking and conclusion on each one of the topics.Also, include a Resources Page at the end of your Paper.1. Devise a System to Elect the President of the U.S. by Replacing the Current Electoral College System.2. Does the Media have a Liberal Bias?3. Design an Immigration Policy For The United States of America.4. Is America Becoming More Unequal?5. What Are The Two Most Important Topics in The USA Today.6. Is The Use of Torture Against Terrorist Suspects Ever Justified?7. Should the Economic Embargo of Cuba be Lifted?
Machiavelli Versus Hobbes
Essay question: For Machiavelli, history is cyclical, whereas for Hobbes, it is progressive. Which case is more compelling? Why?There are two readings, Leviathan by Hobbes and the Prince by Machiavelli.A good place to start in Machiavelli is Chapter 14, where he talks about imitation, because this can help us see how Machiavelli thinks we should learn from the past. As for Hobbes, a good place to start is in Chapter 3, where he talks about the different types of guided traynes of imagination, because this can help us see how Hobbes imagines the future. You’ll have to branch outbeyond here, but I suspect that these are good places to start.
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