Digital Currency

As the world economy becomes more and more digitized, cryptocurrency will become a major,mainstream medium of financial transactions. Do you agree with this statement and why/whynot?

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Administrative Departments

Imagine you are a political writer with your own blog. You write about current events and what they mean for the U.S. government and its citizens. For this blog post you will choose an event from the last three months involving U.S. political issues or policies related to one of the following:The U.S. President.Congress.Administrative departments.Political activists.Judicial rulings.A campaign.An election.Next, choose one reputable news source that has reported on your chosen event. Be sure it is a news source that offers well-written and well-researched news. It is recommended that you choose from one of the following news sources:Liberal leaning news: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Vox, HuffPost, Politico, CNN, Time Magazine.Conservative leaning news: National Review, The Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Federalist, Fox Online News, Washington Examiner.Centrist News: NPR Online News (National Public Radio), Reuters, BBC, CNBC News, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, Pew Research Center.To see ratings of news sources, visit Media Bias Ratings.For the first part of your blog post, provide a brief summary of your chosen current event. You should be conscious of your own bias and make every effort to avoid biased, opinionated, emotional, or judgmental language in this summary. That means avoiding words such as “always,” “obviously,” “clearly,” etc.This PDF contains helpful tips for avoiding judgment statements: Objective Language [PDF].In addition to providing a brief summary of your chosen current event, your blog post should answer each of the following questions:What specific branch of the U.S. government is involved in this current event?Who or which groups are affected by this event?What biases or leanings exist in the media source you chose? Give examples. Were these counterbalanced in any way?What are your opinions on the issue?Your blog post should be typed in a Word document and meet the following requirements:A one- to two-paragraph summary of your chosen current event.One to two paragraphs for each of the four questions provided (see above), for a total of at least four paragraphs.Content of the blog is based on information from your selected news source or other reputablesources.Two  pages in length.At least one quality reference (your selected news article) cited using the Strayer Writing Standard

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The Concept Of Sovereignty

1) What are the issues surrounding the concept of sovereignty as the fundamental organizing principle of contemporary world affairs? Include the following: a. A brief discussion of the various ways in which sovereignty is conceptualized, including an explanation for your decision to apply one specific conceptualization, or definition; b. The identification of issues that confront sovereignty in contemporary world affairs and a rationale or explanation for their choice; c. The implications of these issues for the likelihood that sovereignty will remain the fundamental organizing principle of contemporary world affairs. 2) Employing Balance of Power Theory, what is the contemporary balance of power for any pair or group of states in the international system? Include the following: a. A brief discussion of Balance of Power Theory as it pertains to your analysis; b. A rationale or explanation for your decision to select a pair or group of states; c. An evaluation of the contemporary balance of power between the pair or among the group. d. 3) What are the dominant issues facing the contemporary international economic system? Include the following: a. A brief discussion of the nature of the contemporary international economic systems; b. The identification of the dominant issues confronting the system and a rationale or explanation for selecting them; c. An evaluation of their implications.

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Institutional Structure

In a 4-7 page paper (typed, double-spaced, APA format), analyze any issue of your choice related to domestic politics in Israel. This might include: Israel’s institutions (Knesset, judiciary, etc), civil society issues such as the balance between religion and the state or the relationship between Jews of different ethnic backgrounds, issues involving Israel’s economy, or political/policy issues of interest to you. Issues involving Arab Israelis (citizens of Israel who are Arab) will be considered domestic for the purpose of this analysis;  if you wish to examine the impact of the conflict on Israel’s domestic politics you may do so in this paper.For the policy analysis papers, answer the following questions:-Introduction: summarize the policy issue and its impact on Israel.-Body I: What is the history of the issue you are analyzing?-Body II: What is the current state of the issue (institutional structure, government policies that regulate it, or other underlying realities)? How, if at all, have domestic constituencies in Israel advocated to change this current policy, and which constituencies desire the change?-Body III: What is the impact on Israeli politics and society? Is the impact more positive than negative, more negative than positive, or a mixture of both? What are some possible positive or negative consequences that might come from policy change?-Conclusion: How, if at all, do you think your chosen policy issue might change in the future?Outside research is expected, with at least 2-3 scholarly sources, as well as thinktank white papers/analyses, primary sources where available, and popular, newspaper-type sources only when necessary.

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Transatlantic Relations 

The final paper assignment makes up 100% of the final grade.Please read carefully the instructions below and write two of the following four essaysoutlined below in Hebrew or in English (50 points each).This assignment requires the submission of two originally and individually authored essays of 1,200-1,500 words (each). Each essay should include a well-structured opening with a thesis statement referring to the question. You should explain, substantiate, and support the thesis statement throughout by elaborating the main and relevant concepts, positions, historical processes, events, and examples, including those discussed in class and in the course readings.In these essays, you are not required to cite references, but the essays must be the personal and original work of the submitting student. Notwithstanding, students are allowed to work in groups on the assignment before beginning to write them, but each student must write the assignment herself (or himself). Submitted assignments with very similar phrasing will be disqualified and could lead to disciplinary action. Furthermore, a completed assignment shared with other students and used for the purpose of copying – will be disqualified. In addition, false reporting or presenting fabricated information regarding an assignment and/or for the purpose of obtaining a postponement or exemption is a violation of the disciplinary code. Violations will lead to disciplinary action.Please submit both essays in one WORD file (*.docx) via the Moodle system no later than09:00am on March 14. Do not upload any other type of file.There is only one submission date. There will be no extensions other than those approvedby the Students’ Secretariat. With regards to late submissions –Assignment submitted up to one week after the original submission date will limit the maximum grade to 80 and the assignment will be graded on a scale of 0-80.Assignments submitted later than a week after the original due date will be considered as not submitted.If you have any questions, you may contact Tommy ( Please allow sufficient time to revert to you. Substantive questions regarding the assignment will not be addressed in the final 24 hours before submission – other than urgent technical matters.Do Well !!!Essay #1“Had the United States and the EU devised and implemented a more effective strategy to promote peace, development and regional cooperation in the Middle East after the end of the Cold War, they could have prevented the turmoil and violence engulfing the Middle East since the onset of the so-called “Arab Spring.” Discuss and opinionate. In your essay, explain the main features (objectives, mechanisms, and outcomes) of Western engagement in the Middle East in the post-Cold War era (1990-2010). Why did the EU and the US invest so many resources in the Middle East? Why did these efforts fail? With the benefit of hindsight – what could have the EU and US done to prevent the regional turmoil?Essay #2The three main theoretical schools/paradigms of IR thought – Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism – offer different readings of the Atlantic Alliance (or community) and of the challenges it faces. These readings reflect dissimilar explanations concerning the basic rationale and driving force of NATO and different expectations concerning its future. For instance, while Realists view NATO as an alliance, Liberals would focus their attention on NATO as an institution (some of them would also highlight the role of domestic politics). Constructivists, on their part, would pay attention to ideas and norms and view NATO as a community.This theoretical debate has “real world” implications: What do these different theoretical perspectives tell us about the future of the Alliance and the continuing relevance of NATO in face of a resurgent Russia? Did Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and ongoing actions against Ukraine re-unite the Alliance or have they exposed different views and interests? Discuss and opinionate and refer also to NATO’s “Enhanced Forward Presence” mission. In your answer, explain the differences in the theoretical categorizations of NATO offered by the three schools of thought.Essay #3“Contrary to former President Trump’s repeated statements, Europe’s “burden sharing” has actually improved. Many European allies have increased their defense spending towards the 2% benchmark. The track record of NATO’s European allies’ role in, and contribution to, the War in Afghanistan shows that European allies have played an increasing role. Actually, the ratio of European troops in Afghanistan has increased since the end of combat operations in Afghanistan and the transition to “Resolute Support Mission.” In NATO’s current deployment to Eastern Europe and the Baltics – “Enhanced Forward Presence”, European allies play a major role too.” Opinionate and discuss. In your essay, assess Europe’s current “burden sharing” compared to previous periods – such as the Cold War and post-Cold War periods and operations (Balkans – 1990s; Afghanistan 2004-2010). Has Europe’s “burden sharing” improved? Is Europe doing enough for its own defense?Essay #4The United States and Europe have been simply “out of sync” well before former President Trump entered office and the change of guards in the White House will not make all the challenges disappear. Since the beginning of the 21st Century, the United States and Europe find it increasingly difficult to respond to regional and global challenges in a coordinated and timely manner – be it Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and its alleged interference in Western electoral politics, the rise of China, or the turmoil in the Middle East. What are the reasons that have brought the Transatlantic allies to this point? What are the likely drivers of Transatlantic relations? Can Europe and the United States become once again “in sync”? What would it take? In your essay, use current examples to substantiate your assessment.

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Common Public Culture

Explain David Miller’s philosophy of nations by walking through different components/aspects as he describes them. Elaborate on his philosophy of 1.)  Mutual Recognition; 2.) Geography3.)Common Public Culture, and speak to whether you believe his theory or not. Do you believe that these aspects are sufficient to require the etihcal propositions he makes about nations?

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Political Extremism

General Information: the main goal of the final assignment is to evaluate the level of understanding of the course materials, as well as to test the student’s capabilities of integration and application of the materials to real life situations. The assignment must be done individually; assignments with similar rationale or structure will not be graded.Time- Frame: The assignment should be submitted to the course website by March 10th. We will not accept any assignment that will be handed in past this deadline. Please write your I.D number on the assignment itself (do not write your name).Length of the Assignment: The general length of each answer should not exceed the limit of 1000 words, double spacing, and font 12 (Times New Roman). In addition, it is recommended to add a cover page and a list of references. Any deviation from this format will lead to the disqualification of the assignment.Format of Writing:§ The writing will follow the acceptable academic format – i.e., definitions of concepts, references to general theories, and references to previous empirical findings. You are not required to refer to bibliographical items that are not included in the course’s reading list.§ The focus of this assignment is on the implementation of the general theories. You are required to provide a detailed theoretical and conceptual discussion and not to use only direct or indirect quotes from the course materials.Please select two of the following five topics. Each answer will form 50% of your overall grade.1. There are different ways in which people can make an effort to achieve social change. We have paid particular attention to tactical repertoires. Read the articles below and review the types of political activities expressed in these articles.a) In your answer, discuss the main forms of political action, concepts [e.g., repertoire of action, political violence, terrorism], typology, and findings that have emerged throughout our discussion on the prism through which repertoire of action is expressed. Sprinzak argues that we should distinguish between “violence of power” and “violence of powerlessness” and between “Intentional violence” and “unintentional violence”. Discuss these arguments and use two examples from the case studies we have studied during the course.c) Provide a recent case study from Israel that can demonstrate these arguments.2. Discuss existing tensions between religion and political violence. Does religion constitute the only factor for political violence?a. Discuss the relationship between religion and different forms of political violence. In your answer, relate to the cases we have discussed in class and to the conceptualization obstacles.b. In your answer, discuss the role of religion in Israeli political life and the tension between Jewish predominance and democracy in line with our class discussions.3. During the course, we have devoted much discussion to the process of radicalization and the motivations for political violence.a) Briefly describe and explain the factors involved in political violence. Choose two factors/theories and illustrate how they are expressed in two case studies which were examined during the course.b) Please read the following article and explain the motivations for political violence During the course, we have devoted much discussion to the phenomenon of political violence. We have addressed conceptual and methodological issues about defining and assessing political violence and avoiding the obstacles that have hindered previous research.a) Explain the difficulties involved in the use of the word “violence” and definitional problems posed by the concept of political violence. Why does conceptualizing so important for the understanding of the phenomenon?b) Does support for political violence necessarily predicts violent behavior? Explain various methodological problems involved in the study of [Jewish] terrorism and political violencec) What are the different types and expressions of political violence? Show examples.d) Do forms of political violence change across historical periods?5. Does the exposure of citizens to missiles, incendiary balloons or kites, or other types of political violence and terrorism, affect their political behavior?a) How does exposure to political violence affect civilians’ political attitudes and behavior, specifically radical political behavior? Give examples.b) Are citizens exposed to political violence to the same degree? In your answer, refer to difficulties in conceptualizing and in measuring the exposure to political violence.c) What are the psychological consequences of exposure to political violence? Give examples.

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Civil Resistance

Answer the following questions with the links provided1.  In the article, “Public Health Experts Say the Pandemic Is Exactly Why Protests Must Continue,” which appeared in Slate on June 2, 2020, (link in folder), what connection do the public health experts who signed the open letter make between the pandemic and the need for mass protests against systemic racism?  In the Carr Center Discussion Series report, ““Reimagining Social Movements and Civil Resistance in the Global Pandemic” from April 17, 2020, (link in folder) what are some of the negative effects on social movements around the world that the three scholars believe will occur because of the pandemic, and give one example of a specific movement mentioned that might be affected negatively.  You may also find an example in the May 13, 2020, Nation article, “What’s Next for Asia’s Social Movements?” that is also linked to in the folder.  Read “Q-Anon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded” and “Now the World Gets to See the Difference.” Global crises often launch social movements — some of them which seek social justice, and others which seek authoritarian control or that thrive on misinformation. How can social movement forces which rely on facts and evidence combat those that are born of conspiracy theories and misinformation? Why do you think misinformation, propaganda and lies succeeded in the crises of the 1930s which brought the world Mussolini and Hitler, and how can social movements for social justice triumph today?

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Social Movement Forces

Answer the following questions with the links provided1.  In the article, “Public Health Experts Say the Pandemic Is Exactly Why Protests Must Continue,” which appeared in Slate on June 2, 2020, (link in folder), what connection do the public health experts who signed the open letter make between the pandemic and the need for mass protests against systemic racism?  In the Carr Center Discussion Series report, ““Reimagining Social Movements and Civil Resistance in the Global Pandemic” from April 17, 2020, (link in folder) what are some of the negative effects on social movements around the world that the three scholars believe will occur because of the pandemic, and give one example of a specific movement mentioned that might be affected negatively.  You may also find an example in the May 13, 2020, Nation article, “What’s Next for Asia’s Social Movements?” that is also linked to in the folder.  Read “Q-Anon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded” and “Now the World Gets to See the Difference.” Global crises often launch social movements — some of them which seek social justice, and others which seek authoritarian control or that thrive on misinformation. How can social movement forces which rely on facts and evidence combat those that are born of conspiracy theories and misinformation? Why do you think misinformation, propaganda and lies succeeded in the crises of the 1930s which brought the world Mussolini and Hitler, and how can social movements for social justice triumph today?

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Federal Government Power

Which provisions in the Constitution give the federal government power to create, regulate, and mandate healthcare policies and according to whom? Provide a news article from the last eight weeks to illustrate government actions in the policy area.

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