Political science
GDP Per Capita
Why is there such a huge gap between GDP per capita and unemployment for the richest Middle East countries (Qatar $129,727 and 0.2%) and poorest ones (Yemen $2,521 and 17%) and what can be done about these issues?I do need sources within my paper…Must use credible sources
Historical Continuity
Explain David Miller’s philosophy of nations by walking through different components/aspects as he describes them. Elaborate on his philosophy of 1.) Mutual Recognition; 2.) Historical Continuity, 3.) Active; 4.) Geography; and 5.) Common Public Culture and speak to whether you believe his theory or not. Do you believe that these aspects are sufficient to require the etihcal propositions he makes about nations?
Authoritarian Leadership Style
Q1. Discuss why we allow so many government institutions in our society to be governed in a hierarchical, and even, authoritarian fashion.Q2. Distinguish between politics and administration. Based on your understanding of Chapter 3 (Denhardt) and the Moe article (unit 3), discuss how politics is integral to our understanding of public organizations. Use examples to make your case.
Public Relation
Please post your thoughts on the following questions to the discussion board. There is no word limit, but your discussion post should reflect your understanding of the course materials and critical thinking.1. Which of the Page’s Principles do you agree with most?Page’s Priniciple: a look at the recent campaigns and find an example that adheres to or violates the Page principles. Elaborate on your reasons.(7 pts.)Where to find good PR cases? Check these places to keep you updated on PR trends:https://www.prweek.com/us/newshttps://www.prdaily.com/2. Search for public relations jobs or internships online (e.g., LinkedIn). Do you find a position that’s interesting to you? Can you transfer the skills you learned in other communication fields to fulfill the job requirements? If not, what additional PR skills do you need to pick up? (5 pts)Follow the instruction, and write 1-2 thoughtful paragraphs
Peer Responses
Make sure its a discussion please.Here’s what you want to do in this discussion board forum:Original Post: In your original post, kindly answer the following question: what is Dr. Kings justification for breaking the law? Specifically, what is his fundamental argument, who are the thinkers that have influenced his view, why is now the time to break the law, and what does he say to those who oppose his view. Significantly, youll want to focus on the main theme of his letter: what is his MORAL argument for breaking the law?Peer Responses: Read over all of your peers original threads. Reply to any two of your peers threads. Focus your replies on your peers major themes and the specific ways in which your peers threads compared and contrasted with your own original thread.
Federal System
Evaluate the extent to which the US is no longer a federal systemEvaluate the extent to which Congress is no longer an effective bodyEvaluate the extent to which the Supreme Court is PoliticalEvaluate the extent to the Office of US President is now ImperilledEvaluate the extent to which the US Supreme Court upholds civil rightsEvaluate the extent to which Congress is a representative bodyUse the essay structure attached
Chamber Of Commerce
Module 1 — Paper AssignmentThe 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status was created as part of the Tariff Act of 1913, which set aside tax-exemptions for civic and commercial organizations at the behest of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.Organizations that file as a 501(c)(4) must do one of two activities as its primary activity: Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. Local associations of employees, the membership of which is limited to the employees of a designated person or persons in a particular municipality and the net earnings of which are devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, or recreational purposes.A 501(c)(4) is prohibited from actively engaging in politics as its primary function.Watch the Frontline Documentary Big Sky-Big Money from the link posted:https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-big-sky-big-money/Then write a 3 page persuasive essay addressing the following the questions:1) How do 501(c)4 compare to 501(c)3s in terms of their commitment to the promotion of social welfare?2) How do Superpac 501(c)4s compare to other 501(c)4s in their promotion of social welfare?3) Should Superpacs be allowed to continue to file for nonprofit status under 501(c)4? Why or why not?You will need to do some research on 501(c)4s other than Superpacs to fully answer the question.The paper should be 3 pages, double spaced. Use full citations please. No plagiarism!
The Conservative Party
Evaluate David Camerons impact upon the Conservative Party while their leader from 2005 to 2016,
National Response
Over the years, there have been some good responses to various disasters, and there have also been some terrible responses. Responses to hazards generally always begin at the local level and then, depending on the hazard, can escalate to the national level. Some of this stems from various leadership challenges and how well we are prepared for the event.Select a natural disaster that has affected you in some way, such as a hurricane, tornado, blizzard, or wildfire, and look at the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF), Address how the NRF and NIMS were used to bring the disaster under control. Explain your role or how you or someone you know was affected by the disaster (i.e., psychologically and/or physically).In the paper, Explain why changes were necessary for the existing response structure, which leads to the NRF in use today. Explain, based on the disaster you identified, how the response dictated the NRF and NIMS response would be used if the disaster occurred today. Justify whether or not you think states should take a more active role in emergency management at the local level and if the implementation of the NRF usurps state responsibility and jurisdiction when responding to a disaster.U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2019). DHS Strategic Plan: FY2020-2024 (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from: APA Citations
Black Lives Matter
You need to write 150 words answering one of these questions; your answer has to be posted on MONDAY Jan 25 at 6pm:1. What are some examples provided by these scholars that challenge existing racist analyses in IR?or2. How can current collective actions/ movements such as Black Lives Matter feed into rethinking the history of academic discourse and its inherent “intellectual racism”? How are these movements/ moments productive for present and future reshapings of scholarly disciplines such as International Relations? or 3. How do we begin to envision a “critical IR” that is attentive to race and empire? REMEMBER YOU NEED TO POST YOUR DISCUSSION NOTE IN THE THREAD UNDER THE DISCUSSION TAB.
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