Your Personal Power | Instant Homework Solutions

Your Personal Power   Read the following scenario. A former City of Arizona colleague sets up a consulting business and approaches you for a letter of reference. He submits a draft document, which makes mention of several projects for which he is taking credit. You know that he was a minor player in one of these and feel uncomfortable with his suggestion that the letter be on city letterhead, “just to make it more official.” In 500-750 words, put yourself in the scenario and use the results of your “personal values Explain how you would approach the situation, if you were put in the scenario, based on your personal values assessment.         2. Describe how your personal values inform and instruct your personal power. Use two to four scholarly resources to support your explanations. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Public Management Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

1.   Based on the course material and discussions to date, think about your own conclusions regarding public management. 2.   Conduct some independent research on OCLS to locate at least one (public management) professional source not used in this class, and at least one (public management) scholarly source not used in this class. You will need to use these sources in this assignment. a.    A scholarly source is written by experts and for experts and is intended to keep experts in the public management field up to date on the most recent research findings. The most common forms of academic sources are (1) non-fiction books and (2) scholarly journal articles (typically peer-reviewed). §  Examples? Scholarly journals that publish public management-related research include: Public Administration Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Review of Public Administration, Public Performance & Management Review, Administration and Society, Public Services Quarterly, and Public Management Review, among others. §  What is NOT scholarly? Textbooks, professional or trade magazines/journals, newspaper articles, magazine articles, articles without bibliographies or reference lists, encyclopedias, dictionaries, movies, TV shows, videos, book reviews, opinion pieces, newsletters, and websites are not considered scholarly/academic and do not fulfill this requirement. If you have a question about whether or not the source you found is scholarly, ask your instructor. b.    A professional source is typically written for practitioners and is intended to keep public managers up to date on trends, innovations, forecasts, professional events, and policy changes. Professional sources include magazines and newsletters. These articles are not peer-reviewed. §  Examples? Examples of professional public administration sources include publications such as Governing, Public Manager (PM), Government Executive, Government Technology, National Journal, The Economist, and Harvard Political Review The Public Manager, for example.  Blogs, newspaper articles, popular magazine articles, encyclopedias, dictionaries, movies, TV shows, videos, book reviews, opinion pieces, and websites are not considered professional and do not fulfill this requirement §  What to avoid? For the purpose of this class, textbooks, academic journals, websites, encyclopedias, dictionaries, movies, TV shows, videos, and book reviews are not considered professional sources and do not fulfill this requirement. If you have a question about whether or not the source you found is professional, ask your instructor. 3.   Using (1.) the interview you conducted, (2.) your text, (3.) at least one professional source not used in this class, and (4.) at least one scholarly source not used in this class, compose a 1500-2000 word analytical narrative that follows all guidelines presented in the Academic Writing Visual. All paragraphs should be fully developed and consist of at least five (5) sentences. Organize your paper with the subheadings described below: a.    Title Page: Include a title page with an original and meaningful title, your name, the course, and the submission date. b.    Introduction: Begin with a well-written introductory paragraph, complete with a topic sentence (as the first sentence) and a thesis statement included in bold(as the final sentence in the paragraph). (1 paragraph) NOTE: For help with writing an effective thesis statement that serves as a roadmap for your paper, see the information about writing thesis statements in IWU Resources on the Course Dashboard menu. c.    The Human Factor (chapters 3 & 4): Discuss why the human factor is a challenge for contemporary public managers. 1.   Include references to chapters 3 or 4 of the text. a.    Management Structures and Strategies (chapters 5 – 7):Explore how organizational structures, task assignments, organizational policies, operating procedures, innovative strategies, and/or contracting impact the job of public managers. §  Include references to chapters 5, 6, and/or 7 of the text. §  Also, include information from the interview you conducted to support your points and use proper APA in-text citations for the interview. b.    Information, Budgeting, and Goals (chapters 8-10):  Address how the power of information, information flow, the budgetary process and/or goals influence the work of public managers in a way that is different than their private sector counterparts. §  Include references to chapters 8, 9, and/or 10 of the text. §  Also, include information from the interview you conducted to support your points and use proper APA in-text citations for the interview. c.    Communicating Public Management Decisions (chapter 11):Discuss the importance of public managers communicating effectively with the media, stakeholders, and/or the public. §  Include references to chapter 11 of the text. §  Include information from the interview you conducted to support your points and use proper APA in-text citations for the interview. d.    Public Management as a Career (chapter 12):  Discuss two (2) distinct public sector career take aways you have developed during the course. Discuss each in a separate paragraph, identified with a subheading.  Each take-away paragraph should be informed by Chapter 12, Surviving and Thriving in Public Service evidenced by in-text citations.  (2 paragraphs) §  Discuss two (2) distinct public sector career take-aways you have developed during the course. Discuss each in a separate paragraph, identified with a properly-formatted APA subheading. §  Each take-away paragraph should be informed by Chapter 12, Surviving and Thriving in Public Service evidenced by in-text citations. e.    Conclusion:Wrap-up the paper with a well-organized conclusion paragraph that transitions effectively and leaves the reader with a powerful concluding thought. (1 paragraph). f.     Reference List:  Conclude your paper with a complete reference list in APA format that includes a reference for the text, the interview you conducted, as well as all outside sources that you cited in your paper.

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Policing Alternatives Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

I need a persuasive/research essay discussing how and why defending the police can solve problems plaguing communities today. Also can include how policing alternatives can result in a decrease in the amount of necessarily escalated arrests and mistaken deaths.

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Leadership Approaches Writing | Instant Homework Solutions

In 500-750 words, do the following: 1.      Compare the various approaches to leadership as covered in your textbook readings for this topic. Include the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. 2.      Choose one of the approaches. Describe how that approach might influence a leader’s philosophy on public service. 3.      Explain how principles of Christian leadership could influence a leader’s philosophy on public service. Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations from the following sources below:   Read Topic 2 readings in the Leadership – Custom Textbook.URL:     Read “Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Behavior” by Bass & Steidlmeier from Leadership Quarterly (1999). URL: Read “Spiritual Leadership: Fulfilling Whole-Self Needs at Work” by Fairholm from Leadership & Organization Development Journal (1996).URL:

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Current Planning Models | Instant Homework Solutions

Do some research to prepare an introduction for your analysis consisting of a discussion of current planning models utilized in public and non-profit organizations, identifying ethical and cultural considerations that should be acknowledged during this process. Define and discuss what is strategic planning and also define specifically the relationships between government organization planning and public sector political processes. This introduction will establish a rationale for the analysis you will then go on to begin the next week.   Please refer to the attached PDF for reference and also to the textbook, Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations (5th ed.).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. [ISBN: 978-1119071600].

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Strategic Planning Research | Instant Homework Solutions

Do some research to write an introduction for your analysis consisting of a discussion of current planning models utilized in public and non-profit organizations, identifying ethical and cultural considerations that should be acknowledged during this process. Define and discuss what is strategic planning and also define specifically the relationships between government organization planning and public sector political processes. This introduction will establish a rationale for the analysis you will then go on to begin the next week.   Please refer to the attached PDFs for reference and also to the textbook, Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations (5th ed.).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. [ISBN: 978-1119071600].

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Public Relations Issues | Instant Homework Solutions

Using the organization for which you work, or another organization with which you are very familiar (club, religious organization, non-profit organization, etc.), determine a public relations issue or problem that would benefit from research. Some examples of the types of problems acceptable for this assignment are listed below. If you are not sure about your topic choice, ask your professor to approve your topic. a. A change in a product or service offered by an organization. b. Improved image or relationships of a department or policy within an organization. c. Improvement in public opinion of an issue of concern to the organization. d. Evaluating competition. e. Prepare for a public relations tactic or strategy change. f.  Improve management/employee relations. g. Test a new public relations message. Create a research plan to provide information about this issue or problem. Include the following information in your research plan. Address each item below with at least 1-2 full paragraphs. a. Explanation of the issue or problem. b. Outline the type of information needed and how it will be used. c. Outline the type of information needed and how it will be used. d. Outline how the data will be collected. e. Outline how the data will be analyzed, reported, or applied.

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Selling to a Non Consumer Preferent Market | Instant Homework Solutions

How does a health care organization sell its products or services to customers who are not aware of their buying preferences? Your paper should be 4 double–spaced pages long (excluding cover page/reference page(s)). Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson Chap 4. Harrison Chap 5 and 6. Walston Chap 4, 5, and 9 Williamson et al Chap 4 Review Lecture 4 You’re relay only on uploaded class files ppt or uploaded text book to answer the question below. Textbook download– lecture×285/playerSkin/26683571/thumbEmbed//autoPlay//startTime//endTime/  Required Textbooks: ?Harrison, J. (2016). Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare. (Second Edition). Chicago: Health Administration Press. Hitt, M., D. R. Ireland, and R. E. Hoskisson. (2017). Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization. Boston, M. A.: Cengage Learning Walston, S. (2018). Strategic Healthcare Management: Planning and Execution. (Second Edition). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

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Assessments and Remedies to the Pandemic

Ed Young and Greg Ip make very different assessments and offer different remedies to the problem of managing the pandemic. Summarize their arguments. Do you agree with one, or the other, or do you occupy some middle ground, or some distance, from the two?

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How to Win Friends and Influence People Book Review

Book report on Carnegie, Dale. (2011). How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age. New York: Simon and Schuster. Book report/review  5 pages minimum. Reflection paper on your takeaways from the reading. Describe what you learned from reading the book. Discuss the salient points as it pertains to your development of better […]

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