[Get Solution]Spiritual Therapy

compose a nine-page dialogue in which Socrates (or Confucius) applies critical thinking to debunk a conspiracy theory. Instructions in Kreeft, SocraticLogic,P344-347.Each criterion is assigned a value of 10% towards a total of 100% from the ten criteria.Initial question arising from ordinary situation or conversation (#2, p.346)Socrates as questioner, not as preacher (#4, p.346; #3, p.347)Socratic […]

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[Get Solution]Jewish Memorial Berlin

Yad VashemJewish Memorial Berlin[For an overview of Holocaust memorials, see this lecture(https://britishassociationforholocauststudies.wordpress.com/an-evening-lecture-with-professor-james-e-young/?fbclid=IwAR164iVIwpyf-eJi4ILOVPEtj-sPft7b0TEifLR_ZlvsonzZMizefWn_GGg) byJames E. Young, “The Stages of Memory: Reflections on Memorialization and Global Commemoration,”hosted by The British Association for Holocaust Studies,Literature/PoetrySebald, AusterlitzWiesel, NightAchebe, Things Fall ApartMorrison, BelovedCharlotte DelboLeila SebbarPaul CelanIrena KlepfiszFilmInglorious BasterdsThe Nasty Girl (Das Schreckliche Mädchen)Nowhere in AfricaIdaNumberedCachéWaltz with BashirMusicGoreckiChildish Gambino (“This is […]

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[Get Solution]Identity in Buddhism

“Death of the individual. There is no such thing as self, argues professor Tom Oliver” [The Telegraph] – Evolution, Morality and Politics (evolutionmoralitypolitics.com)After reading the article, write a short essay answering the following questions:1. Compare the theme in the above article with the notions of personal identity in Buddhism.2. What are some of the similarities […]

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[Get Solution]Christian Theology

The importance of St Anselm of Canterbury for the development of Christian Theology, and the emphasis he placed on the interworking of Reason, Revelation and Faith.         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.

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[Get Solution]New Testament Research

Alternative Presentations Assignment: Research PaperWrite a 5-7-page research paper on a theme in the New Testament (biblical theology). Choose a prominent theme in the New Testament. Read and research this theme in at least 5 different and substantial sources (at least 2 should be from a critical journal article). Develop a biblical theology of this […]

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[Get Solution]The Purpose of Life

Post your answers to the following question in a 200-300 word response.  Mortimer Adler (1952) said, “More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question” (p. 561). What do you think he means by that? What are two specific examples to help defend your answer?       […]

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[Get Solution]The New Testament

34 Gospels Read the 34 Gospels article (click here). Post your top three choices for the most bizarre non-canonical gospels and provide a couple of sentences explaining why you think they are bizarre.  In the same post, indicate the top-three most interesting gospels to you and if you had time you’d like to learn more […]

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[Get Solution]First Woman Apostle

Read the 34 Gospels article (click here). Post your top three choices for the most bizarre non-canonical gospels and provide a couple of sentences explaining why you think they are bizarre.  In the same post, indicate the top-three most interesting gospels to you and if you had time you’d like to learn more about. Also […]

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[Get Solution]Board Reflection

This is a Discussion Board Reply Assignment, Replies to TWO different classmates are a minimum of 250 words each. Reply to Bartley then reply to Amy. Each reply must be at least 250 words. In each reply state what you agree with and what you disagree with.   Bartley Nethery  DB Forum 2 There is […]

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[Get Solution]Conflict Styles

How important is an age cohort to understanding conflict styles?  Consider Markease Doe, Yvan Muselaire, and Wing Shan Venus Fong (2016) 1500 words         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.

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