Evaluate a Qualitative Study

For Part I of your Final Project, you will comprehensively evaluate an article of your choice that reports on a qualitative study. (Remember, a study that uses qualitative methods utilizes data that is not numerical.) Locate an article in the professional literature that addresses a topic you are interested in. Use the Area of Interest […]

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Systems Analysis

Systems Analysis   Your team has been charged with evaluating a systems upgrade for a software company called Gatorware Software. Currently, Gatorware Software creates software used by Healthcare Management Organizations (HMO’s), Federally Insured Banks and Financial Institutions, as well employee payroll systems.   Current Environment (NOTE: if there are terms/equipment/strategies you are not familiar with […]

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Autonomous Vehicles

Please begin by reading this article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/loblaw-autonomous-delivery-1.5812409 Discussion Question: Do you believe that autonomous vehicles are good for Toronto? Why or why not? Use at least 1 piece of evidence from the article to support your post. Post a thread to answer the question. Your thread should be 1 paragraph in length (approximately 200 words). You […]

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Effects of a Chemical or Physical Explosion

Please discuss possible second and third-order effects of a chemical or physical explosion. Please include REFERENCE(S) (journal article, book, website, etc..) or specific example to support your discussion.

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World Wealth Fertility and Population

Use the Gapminder website to write a short paper about patterns and trends in wealth, fertility, population around the world. The paper should be about 500-800 words and include at least 2 figures using the Gapminder Website. You can write about the relationship between wealth and fertility rates, how fertility rates and population have changed through time in certain countries or regions, the factors that create differences in fertility rates around the world, how urbanization relates to population or demographic change, the extent of agriculture in a region, etc. Use some creativity to come up with a clear thesis and then show some data from Gapminder to support your thesis.[ my topic is Rwanda]

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Effects of the Moon on Earth

What changes might have happened (or not happened) to the Earth if the Moon had never formed? How might this have influenced civilization? How might it have influenced the development of astronomy?

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Astronaut Bone Mass Loss

During the early years of space exploration our astronauts, who had been floating in space, would return to earth showing significant bone loss dependent on how long they were in space. Discuss how this might happen and what could be done to alleviate this condition. For more information, check out this NASA resource page about space and the human body. https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast01oct_1 Discuss with your classmates potential solutions to limit bone loss and compare to the recommendations from NASA.

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Promoting Clean Energy Solutions

Case 1: Viridity Energy: The Challenge and Opportunity of Promoting Clean Energy Solutions. Laszlo, Chris; Chandrachud, Anshuman; Ghatge, Indrajeet; Case No: 9B12M035. Published 5/09/2012. Revised 4/18/2012. Richard Ivey School of Business, 2011. (14 pages) The case study is to be analyzed: Summarize the case study then provide some analysis on: What went right? What went wrong? What could be improved? You’ll need to apply some of your other learning for some cases and in others do some additional research. You are doing an analysis of the case study, company to learn what was done and what did not work

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HVAC Refrigeration Cycle

Write at least a 500 word essay about the refrigeration cycle of an HVAC system

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Demographic Data in Public and Community Health

Analyze the uses and effects of demographic data, surveillance data, and vital statistics in public and community health. Identify the demographics and effect of the issue or disease in the community. Determine if the effects cross from the community to state or national levels.

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