Neuroscience of Goals
NeuroLeadership – Module 4 Assignment Prepare a 1000-word essay on the application of research in a specific area(s) from the content of Module 4 – -Neuroscience of Goals *delve deeper into the specific area of choice and discuss how we are connecting with Neuroscience of Goals and applying my learning in my leadership role or personally, using the research to support my ideas. In my essay I must demonstrate and show evidence of Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic ideas and facts as well as an integrated understanding through the application in the workplace, practice or some other environment. Identify planning methods and demonstrate their application to bring about effective action. Select and apply approaches, methods, tools and models appropriate to their identified aims and objectives. Demonstrate the delivery of agreed upon results to stakeholders and wider audiences. Analyze the information, data and experience developed as a result of the application in the workplace. Personally reflect upon the application and the impact on others to enhance the agreed upon results. Demonstrate leadership in initiating and developing change and improvement of practice. Please see attached 4 articles to review. The Essay should be as follows: Neuroscience of Goals Personal Application for the -Neuroscience of Conclusion Neuroscience of Goals Personal Application for -Neuroscience of Goals Conclusion
Black Hole
Use the title, Black Hole, as a metaphor that helps us understand the teenage experience that is being narrated and illustrated in this graphic novel. Be sure to use images from each of the 12 issues of the comic to show how the theme manifests itself throughout the story. This essay should be in MLA format, although I will understand if you have to embed the images in different ways. The minimum for this assignment is 5 pages, and NO the images will not count towards your essay length. If you give me 15 pages of images and one page of writing, that’s a one-page essay dude.
Software-Defined Networking
In the class: Final Presentations · Discuss the importance design in any network. · Discuss software-defined networking · Work on projects in order to complete the deliverable as necessary. o Have groups check each others layouts for feedback and to help identify errors.
Epistemology of Research
You have to cover up following things 1; epistemology of research and theoretical underpinning of article 2: research design 3: How well the chosen methodology addresses the questions posed in the articles 4What the articles tell you about human services research
Knowledge of the Solar System
Give some reasons for our knowledge of the solar system has increased considerably in the past few years. Support your response with at least 3 reasons with details regarding concepts from the units learned in this course.
Positive and Negative Emotions
Provide an example of when an emotion has had an effect (either positively or negatively) on your critical thinking. Discuss how emotions either positively or negatively affected the outcome of the situation (your response should be 75-125 words long). Provide an example of when you have used reason to assist with critical thinking and discuss how it affected the outcome of the situation (your response should be 75-125 words long).
Community Psychology
The 5 models that are commonly used within community psychology are as follows: Mental health model Social action model Organizational model Ecological model Phenomenological model Discuss all 5 models and then select 2 of the models to define and describe the reciprocal relationship between individuals and the social system that they live in within your own community.
Stereotype Threat
1. What is a stereotype threat? How might stereotype threat be applicable to you?
Racism & Disccrimination
You must divide the paper into the following sections or headings (Roman numerals), or it will not be accepted. Please write a minimum of 750 words in which you accomplish the following: I. Definitions a. Define both racism and discrimination. II. Psychological Concepts b. Define each of the following 5 concepts and explain how it contributes to the phenomenon of racism and/or discrimination. (These are the 5 you may apply to your examples below.) And cite your sources within the text of your paper in APA style. Ethnocentrism Fundamental attribution error Learned helplessness, Self-fulfilling prophecy Victim, Blaming III. Example A a. Describe an experience you have had with racism and/or discrimination. It can be a personal experience, or that of someone you know or know of, or it can be an example from the media. b. Apply at least two of the five concepts above to that experience, carefully explaining how that concept is evidenced in your example. IV. Example B a. Describe an experience you have had with racism and/or discrimination. It can be a personal experience, or that of someone you know or know of, or it can be an example from the media. b. Apply at least two of the five concepts above to that experience, carefully explaining how that concept is evidenced in your example. V. Sources Use at least 3 reliable sources to research these concepts. You should start with your textbook since you are looking to LEARN these concepts before you can apply them. Your text can be included in your three required sources. You may use magazines and newspapers and other media sources. Remember that you have to learn these concepts, so go to sites that teach the concept. Journal articles are not usually helpful in doing that. For definitions, most .org websites are good, and any .edu site will be good. You can also use psychological sites such as (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA (ever, in college). DO NOT USE DICTIONARIES. DO NOT USE ENCYCLOPEDIAS SUCH AS BRITANNICA. Provide your sources in APA style (the Citation Machine will put things in APA style for you Other General Directions: Do not plagiarize your work. Cite your sources within the text of your paper, next to the definition, in APA style. Use quotes when necessary. Your paper will be automatically processed through Turn It In when you submit it, but you must give your permission by checking the required box (agreeing to their terms). Turn It In report should be under 12%. If it is higher, there is probably something you should put in quotes. EXACT requirements for paper headings are included in the grading rubric for this assignment. ASSIGNMENTS WITHOUT THE APPROPRIATE HEADINGS (Roman numerals) WILL NOT BE ACC
Plastic Surgery
Write a one-page paper about the benefits and pitfalls of plastic surgery. Consider the following when researching this topic: How does it help with the physical aspects of the patient? How does it help with the emotional aspects of the patient? Can it improve the patient’s quality of life? Are there health risks or potential complications with this surgery? What if the surgery is “botched”? Can patients become “addicted” to plastic surgery? Once complete, follow the instructions below on Saving Documents to Build Your Portfolio.
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