Urban Planning and Public Policy | Instant Homework Solutions

Write an essay to address the following questions: What place or city do you consider your hometown? Why do you consider this place your hometown? Is it the place where you were born, lived the longest, or currently live? Briefly describe this place. Is it a rural area, village, town, suburb, or city? What are some positive and negative aspects of your hometown? What do you consider ideal characteristics of a city? How does Irvine, California compare to your hometown and/or your ideal characteristics of a city? This essay should be 500-750 words (2-3 double spaced pages, one inch margins, 12 point font). You may use first person, “I,” for this essay. Points will be deducted for typo and grammar errors. If you have any citations, you must use American Psychological Association (APA) citation format and include a bibliography/list of references cited. Avoid using Wikipedia for citations; instead, use the citation of the original source where Wikipedia retrieved the information. Include the course number, your first and last name, student ID number, and page numbers on every page (as a header or footer). Upload the assignment into Canvas by the due date and time.

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Effects of Technology Article Review | Instant Homework Solutions

Conduct an online search for articles discussing the effects of technology.  Pick one article to read.  Complete the Mini Article Review form

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Comparing Microaggressions to Social Faux | Instant Homework Solutions

1) The prompt has to be between 850-1150 words (NOT INCLUDING THE WORKS CITED SECTION). 2) A minimum of TWO SCHOLARLY sources are required. PROMPT DESCRIPTION: This week we examined the concept of ‘Microaggressions,’ which can occur on the basis of race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and so on. At first blush, microaggressions might be seen as instances of one individual saying something to another that is offensive, to a greater or lessor extent. So in that sense, what separates microaggressions from the typical social faux pas in which someone says something we’d consider to be in bad taste? In your response explore what might make microaggressions seem something more than just individual infractions.

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Diversity Exclusion and Inclusion | Instant Homework Solutions

You will write one blog reflecting upon diversity, exclusion and inclusion, but rather than offering an unsubstantiated opinion on these matters, you’ll be expected to offer a unique but informed opinion supported by scholarly research and empirical evidence. You will have freedom to choose the topic and the particular angle of the issue as you wish to explore it, but there are some clear parameters you’ll need to follow. The blog entry must include: Minimum 500 words (15% penalty for falling short of the word count) 1) 1 academic source from materials read in class. This must be cited with a page number and author. 2) 1 academic source (a relevant peer-reviewed article) from outside of class. See the writing guide to determine what is an appropriate source. Hint: Wikipedia is not an academic source. 3) 1 news media article relevant to the topic

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Child Protection Services Crisis Intervention | Instant Homework Solutions

You work for your state’s child protection services as a case manager in the foster care division. Often, your days are unpredictable because your clients tend to see you only when in crisis. This particular morning, you arrive at the office to find a Jodi, an African American mother and her five children sitting outside of your office waiting for you. When you ask her how you can help, she tells you that she and the children were evicted from their home. Two of her five children are foster children who she has been taking care of for the past year. Jodi tells you through her tears that she allowed her brother, who was just released from jail to stay with them until he was able to find a job and save some money. He was caught smoking marijuana in his car in the parking lot of the apartment complex four months ago. The landlord decided that he did not want Jodi to live there anymore and notified her that when her lease ran out, she must leave. Jodi said that she did not believe her landlord and thought that he would change his mind, so she did not look for another home. Now she wants to return the foster children and wants you help her to find housing. She cannot stop crying as she tells you all of this and at times, raises her voice. While she is crying, the five children begin to pull things off your desk. In the scenario for this unit’s discussion, the human service professional faces a client who is in the midst of a crisis. The human service professional has an opportunity to intervene with strategies to lessen the impact and reduce the stress response of the client and help to prevent future crisis. As you have learned in your studies and experiences, after someone experiences a crisis, he or she usually feels motivated to make changes to prevent further crisis. The problem for most clients is that they will not know how to do this. Some of them might mistakenly assume that they will “just know” what to do next time. However, without planning and even training, clients often experience the same crises repeatedly. Your job as a human service professional is to help your clients stop the cycle of crisis. With this in mind, respond to the questions below. 1. In the above scenario, identify the crisis event and the main problem leading to the crisis. Describe the problem in detail, thinking about whether the client might have missed cues that the crisis was approaching. 2. Propose culturally appropriate interventions that will stabilize the client’s situation and foster the development of self-sufficiency skills and prevention strategies to help prevent future situations from occurring. 3. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your intervention plan?

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Comparing Microaggressions to Social Faux

1) The prompt has to be between 850-1150 words (NOT INCLUDING THE WORKS CITED SECTION). 2) A minimum of TWO SCHOLARLY sources are required. PROMPT DESCRIPTION: This week we examined the concept of ‘Microaggressions,’ which can occur on the basis of race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and so on. At first blush, microaggressions might be seen as instances of one individual saying something to another that is offensive, to a greater or lessor extent. So in that sense, what separates microaggressions from the typical social faux pas in which someone says something we’d consider to be in bad taste? In your response explore what might make microaggressions seem something more than just individual infractions.

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Diversity Exclusion and Inclusion

You will write one blog reflecting upon diversity, exclusion and inclusion, but rather than offering an unsubstantiated opinion on these matters, you’ll be expected to offer a unique but informed opinion supported by scholarly research and empirical evidence. You will have freedom to choose the topic and the particular angle of the issue as you wish to explore it, but there are some clear parameters you’ll need to follow. The blog entry must include: Minimum 500 words (15% penalty for falling short of the word count) 1) 1 academic source from materials read in class. This must be cited with a page number and author. 2) 1 academic source (a relevant peer-reviewed article) from outside of class. See the writing guide to determine what is an appropriate source. Hint: Wikipedia is not an academic source. 3) 1 news media article relevant to the topic

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Effects of Technology Article Review

Effects of Technology Article Review

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Social and Cultural Norms

Social and Cultural Norms

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