Sociology Homework Help
Gendered Approaches to Chores
Gendered Approaches to Chores Drawing on sociological research, compose a properly researched and references overview of the topic in question. Perhaps focus on a particular problem or finding within the research such as gendered approaches to chores, child care, etc. Or provide an overview of the major debates within a particular area. For example, some […]
International Law Enforcement
International Law Enforcement Hide Assignment Information Turnitin® This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions You are an employee of an NGO interested in encouraging state compliance with international norms. Your supervisor has asked you to produce a white paper in which you discuss at least three strategies that IGOs, states and/or other NGOs use […]
Social Work Alcohol and other Drugs
Social Work Alcohol and other Drugs It’s a Social Work Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD): Counseling with diverse Populations311!!Please use Apa intext citation/references!!Please no plagiarism!!Please follow the prompt!!Research Paper- (30%)This paper will explore the current COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of Isolation, distrust for Government Leadership , and vulnerability as itrelates to anxiety, fear and […]
Social Change in US Media
Social Change in US Media GUIDELINES – Your term paper must be typed, double-spaced, twelve-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins all around, and at least 6 pages. Use and cite at least SIX reputable social science sources (see below for more on ‘reputable’). At least one of your sources must be a peer-reviewed publication […]
Social Service Volunteering
Social Service Volunteering SCENARIO You are a student in a sociology class. One of the requirements is that you become a volunteer with a local social service agency, as a way to give back to the community. Each student was to submit what agency they would like to volunteer at. You have decided to volunteer […]
Opioid crisis in America
Opioid Crisis in America SCENARIO While investigating the opioid crisis in America you have discovered that many individuals that were addicted to opioids have turned to heroin. Through your investigation you have found that a 30mg tablet of oxycodone has a street value of $30.00 per tablet. Many addicts have found heroin to be cheaper […]
Unequal Treatment in Professions
Unequal Treatment in Professions Unit 5.1 DB: Treated Unfairly Unit 5.1 DB: Treated Unfairly Identify and share a time that you were treated unfairly. If you cannot think of a time that you were, share a time you witnessed someone else being treated unfairly. How did your race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, etc. […]
Federal Minimum Wage
Federal Minimum Wage PART ONE… Policy Case Scenario A. Read and Review the Case Insert 6.9 on page 51 in the Jansson Textbook… > Using hypothetical names and a neighborhood of your choice go to the census website and look over Louisiana or New Orleans census data by neighborhood or community and discuss each point […]
Criteria for a CEO
Criteria for a CEO Answer each prompt using at least 350 words. 1. Develop a list of five criteria for a CEO assuming that he or she has effective diversity management and inclusion as a strategic goal. Now that this course is coming to a close, select any one of the managers in a case […]
Nature of Human Behavior
Nature of Human Behavior Biblical Position Paper Instructions: Essay question: ““To what extent does the sin nature explain criminal activity?” The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about the nature of human behavior, specifically the deviant side of human behavior. After a coversheet, you will write a 5-6 page essay on the […]
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