Internet-Working Devices

Write a 2 – 3 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format that describes and provides the advantages and disadvantages of the following internet-working devices: hubs, switches, MAUs, repeaters, bridges, and routers. Provide a diagram illustrating how these devices are interconnected in a network.

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Streaming Platforms and Technologies

Respond to each question group with a paragraph. Use complete sentences and revise your work carefully. 1st paragraph: What streaming platforms or other technologies do you use to listen to and find music? Rather than just list apps, explain how you use them to find the music you hear. (For example, do you get suggestions from software, based on your previous choices? Search tracks based in input from friends? Search by genre, by playlists? Follow what appears on your social media feed?) Try to give a sense of which methods are most important for determining the music you hear in a typical week. 2nd paragraph: How do you think that these ways of encountering music you just described affect the kinds of music that you are exposed to? Are there types of music you’re aware you would enjoy but don’t usually encounter because they don’t appear in your normal ways of finding music? 3rd paragraph: This week’s readings and film described a range of different fears that people have about changes in the popular music industry. As summarized at the end of the instructor’s lecture, explain whether you share any of those worries or not, and why. Do you feel like there is anything you would like to change about your own habits, and if so, what?

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Media Values Technology

1. Write a paper to reflect the point that mainstream media values technology as the panacea for most societal problems, especially with COVID-19, but that the success stories usually were due to central planning by governments (as opposed to the neoliberalist views that tech companies will save us). This is even in the case of Singapore, where the main rhetoric focuses on success from technology. to tie in with techno-solutionism (thinking an app will solve complex social problems with no hidden costs, reducing our imaginations to think beyond what tech companies are telling us), and how moving forward post-COVID-19, perhaps we need to expand our imaginations to solve complex social problems. Technology has a supporting role, but it shouldn’t dictate our imagination. 2. Provide clear distinctions of different ideological frameworks for using technology in development. E.g. private sector-led with minimal government intervention; State-driven infrastructure for universal access to ICT, etc. 3. More sources + in-depth discussions on the case studies (Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) themselves. Meaning more news articles and analyses. I want this to be the meat of the paper. 4. Reduce the methodology section to no more than 500 words (can delete many of the sub-sections and research here) 5. Include Naomi Klein’s views on the “Screen New Deal” into the recommendations section. She talks about how instead of only thinking about technology solutions, we should be exploring other options. Her main example is with education during COVID-19. Our imagination seems to be limited to remote and online learning, most of the time using big tech platforms. Instead, she invites us to stretch our imagination to think about investing in hiring a double number of teachers so that we can reduce classroom sizes.

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Using Old Technology

using “old” technology is considered a good option for the company. But further than that, doing research to find the “factors that prevent utilizing older plant machinery” is an ambiguous goal. Who do you ask to find this out? What sort of questions do you ask to find the answer to your question? You need to think again about what you are trying to achieve through your project.

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Technology Changes

Technology and the changes it brings can have a very big effect on our lives. Which technological change has had the largest effect on life in this country? Why? Write an essay explaining the technology you have chosen and how it has affected our lives.

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Energy Policy

You have now selected an energy policy and constructed an annotated bibliography. It’s now time to take the next step toward completing your Energy Policy Paper. Construct an annotated outline using the following main headings: Introduction Policy Basis Achievement of Intended Outcome Influence on Technology Unintended Consequences Summary Add applicable subheadings in sections II through V. Annotate each main heading and subheading with one or two sentences. Provide an in-text citation for each annotation and finalize your outline with a Title Page and References Page(s). For an example of the type of annotations expected, review the ‘Full Sentence Outline (Links to an external site.)’ [PDF, File Size 66 KB] section at

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The Use of Mobile Devices

We learn from our readings that the use of mobile devices in our society today has indeed become ubiquitous. In addition, CTIA asserted thatover 326 million mobile devices were in use within The United States as of December 2012 – an estimated growth of more than 100 percent penetration rate with users carrying more than one device with notable continues growth. From this research, it’s evident that mobile computing has vastly accelerated in popularity over the last decade due to several factors noted by the authors in our chapter reading. In consideration withthis revelation,identify andname these factors, and provide a brief discussion about them.

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Emerging Technology

Emerging Technology

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Surveillance in Digital Media

Surveillance in Digital Media

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Creating a Meme

Creating a Meme

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