[Get Solution]Travel Guide

 For this assignment, you are going to take on the role of a Communication scholar/Travel Guide and choose one country (other than the U.S.) to research. Using your chosen country, you are to create a PPT that discusses communication characteristics, cultural faux pas, and recommended travel plans for a 7-10-day visit (a 7-day itinerary is […]

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[Get Solution]Tourism Policy

You are required to write a 3,000 word essay that critically discusses the tourism policy cycle for a country of your choice. The country chosen must have a recently published and publicly available tourism policy document, written in English. It is recommended that you have your choice approved by the Module Leader. The essay should […]

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[Get Solution]Challenges of Ethnicity and Migration

How dancer’s identity challenges the discourse of ethnicity and migration         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.

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[Get Solution]Food and Beverage Marketing

You are to pick one of the three specified category examples below and evaluate the merit of opening a food and beverage concept within that category in Greater Melbourne Australia. This should be presented in report format to a client with recommendations.  The three categories are; • Ethnic restaurant • Café • Fast-paced casual dining […]

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[Get Solution]Importance of Gastronomy

You will need to prepare a research report on the importance of gastronomy as a tourism product, using two relevant site visits to form a case study analysis formatted into a report format. Through your documentation of two relevant site visits and an analysis of an underpinning theory relevant to the site/s, you will demonstrate […]

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Commercial Travel Article | Instant Homework Solutions

Description:  Your task is to write an approximately three-page, double-spaced commercial travel-article based on a trip you have taken.  In this case, you are not critiquing how well a journalist has captured her or his journey.  You yourself will be the “journalist,” writing about your own trip.  However, you must make the article relevant to a reader.  The task is to imaginatively inform the reader about what you have seen and whether it is worth their while to visit.  This is your chance to write a travel piece!

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Tourism Services: National Park Service | Instant Homework Solutions

1.    Describe the H&T company & its sustainability – e.g., sector of tourism, size of company, location/s, ownership (local or foreign), years in operation, significance of the company’s efforts (e.g., certifications, funds, projects, policies, etc.) to sustainability, examples and types of sustainability (e.g., social, ecological, economic). 2.    Assess applicable UNSDG’s – e.g., comprehensive discussion of applicable SDG’s with specific examples demonstrated by your chosen H&T company, primary & secondary stakeholders (e.g., tourists, local people, businesses in the supply chain, local government, habitat & wildlife, etc.) – in short, which of the 17 SDG’s, where and how to integrate them. 3.    Advocate the incorporation of UNSDG’s – e.g., the ripple effect of the chosen SDG’s, scale of your proposed ideas (local/regional/global), applicable sector/s of tourism, proposed partners to work on ideas, participation of stakeholders (as outlined in #2) – in short, why would your H&T company want to integrate these SDG’s.

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Media Studies | Instant Homework Solutions

Draw from Campbell’s “Evolution of Mass Communication” (2017), Nash’s Wilderness & The American Mind (2014), Urry & Larsen’s The Tourist Gaze 3.0 (2011), “#Vanlife” (2017) and “Recreating Wilderness 2.0” (2016) to answer this question: How has the evolution in media technology changed humans’ imagination of, and interaction with, the Wild? What is the resulting impact on the Wild? Trace the changes from premodern  (Links to an external site.)times, to modern and postmodern  (Links to an external site.)times ***The first hyperlink inserted above (a Youtube lecture) gives you a quick and dirty breakdown of the differences between premodern, modern, and postmodern times; the second hyperlink (a Purdue University course webpage) gives a helpful timeline of the evolution from premodern/oral society to modern/print and postmodern/electronic-digital times By “media technology,” I am mainly referring to communication technology (e.g. organic/interpersonal/mass/digital media or logistical/recording/transmission media), but you could also define it broadly to include production technology (e.g. hunting/herding/farming/industrial production methods) and transportation technology (e.g. walks/trains/ships/cars/planes), both of which has communicative and structuring functions. Please define the concept of “the Wild.” Is it a noun, an adjective, or both? Is it a place, an animal, a quality, an idea, or a mindset? Evoke as many key concepts and arguments from the readings as you can. Add page numbers to where the quotes come from. Draw as many connections and comparisons between the readings as you can. Create a personalized title, a unique thesis, and organize the essay in the most intriguing and insightful way you can. Be creative.

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Travel Booking | Instant Homework Solutions

The benefits of booking travel online compared to booking with an accredited retail travel agent.

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Power Over Tourism and Trade | Instant Homework Solutions

https://www.longdom.org/open-access/the-fate-of-tourism-during-and-in-the-aftermath-of-political-instabilityethiopia-tourism-in-focus-2167-0269-1000337.pdf This is the article we needed to read and answer these questions. The  essay is due at midnight and It is a simple title page, citations, and reference needed. 3-5 pages no less than 700 words.  Do you think travel bans and safety warnings are placing tourist under undue risk? Are they used to stifle international travel? How can you, as a hospitality management professional, best serve your customers who want to travel internationally?

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