CDS Discussion
For most weeks throughout CDS-130, we will have a discussion on Ethics that you are asked to provide your thoughts on the Ethics Topic of the week. In the first Ethics Discussion is for you to provide a short paragraph (about 3-4 sentences) as to WHY it is important that young professionals such as yourselves learn the basics of Ethics. Your thoughts should include WHY we need to be ethical in what we do as professionals and may include something from the news that you can use as an example of where ethics has gotten somebody in trouble. Throughout CDS-130, I will refer to you as a “professional”. You are a professional student preparing for a professional career as an engineer, counselor, teacher, chemist, … ! Your job right now is to be a GMU student and prepare for your next step in life. That is the definition of a Professional. Please note that Ethics Discussions in CDS-130 have the initial posting due on the 1st evening of the Weekly Module and the classmate comments are due on the 2nd evening of the Weekly Module. So please check when they are due as you prepare for the week. On the Discussion Board Forum that is linked, please provide 3-4 sentences that discuss the following: Why does MASON NEEDS an Honor Code? What good does it do for MASON? Basically, why an honor code is necessary. Shouldn’t we all be acting Ethically anyway???