Challenges that Face Caregivers
As a health educator we must constantly be thinking of methods to use to address the barriers and challenges of individuals and our community. what do you feel are some of the barriers that elders and caregivers face and how would you address them? Use below to answer questions Hazzan, A. A., Shannon, H., Ploeg, J., Raina, P., Gitlin, L. N., & Oremus, M. (2016). The association between caregiver well-being and care provided to persons with Alzheimers disease and related disorders. BMC Research Notes, 9, 344. Lykens, K., Moayad, N., Biswas, S., Reyes-Ortiz, C., & Singh, K. P. (2014). Impact of a Community Based Implementation of REACH II Program for Caregivers of Alzheimers Patients. PLoS ONE, 9(2), e89290.