Changing Character of Warfare | Instant Homework Solutions
This is a 2200 word essay assignment for 3rd year University module, (Changing Character of Warfare). In this essay you are required to give a very well argumented answer to the question: “DO PRESSURES OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM COMPEL STATES TO FIGHT? OR CAN STATES INSTEAD BREAK OUT OF THE SECURITY DILEMMA?” You must provide arguments both supporting and challenging in order to build up to your final conclusion. (Introduction, Arguments and Conclusion). Which must be a concise answer to said question. Are states condemned to fight due to the international system complexion? or can they avoid these pressures and scape peacefully from the vicious cycle of the security dilemma? The answer (conclusion) can be in FAVOUR of states being able to break out the Security Dilemma, or AGAINST, or SOMETHING IN BETWEEN! However, it MUST be CONCISE and well-supported by providing clear evidence from the readings in each argument. Additionally, you may sprinkle this essay with your HUMBLE personal opinion, but nothing crazy (always orbiting around the core views). The more sources you use the BETTER. It is very important to build your main argument based on the core views of MONTGOMERY, POSEN and LEVY while mentioning other authors.