Chicano and Latino Theater
Analyze the relationship between Chicanx teatro and performance art practices, Mexican performance art, and North American performance art through the lens of early Border Art (early 1980s-mid 1990s). In your answer, pay special attention to the local history of Taller de Arte Fronterizo/Border Art Workshop (BAW/TAF) and the geopolitical context of the Tijuana-San Diego border. Include analyses/comparisons of at least 3-5 different performances to support your answer.GUIDELINESYour answer should be typed, 1250-1500 words, and double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial font.Please include a Works Cited page (does not count toward word count)Use a uniform citation style throughout your essay (Chicago, MLA, APA, etc.)Be sure to indicate the number of the question you are answering.Use the same concepts of analysis and synthesis from Midterm #1 to structure your answer. Include introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs complete with evidence, analysis, and synthesis.Cite at least 3 scholarly sources from our assigned course readings.