Read the chapters 9-12 and answer the following questions 1. List five major areas that are typically are covered in a child care centers personnel policies. 2. List four important items that should be included in a job description. 3. List three questions that you might ask of a non-degree candidate in an interview 4. List three places where a director could place an ad for an open position. Select one place from your list and explain why you believe this to be the best place to advertise for a job opening. 5. Name two ways a director could attract, recruit, and maintain a more diverse pool of employees. (Note: It is not enough to simply state that one should interview or choose only minorities or individuals with disabilities). 1. List two factors that must be considered when determining the size of groups in a center program. 2. List two reasons inexperienced teachers may find that grouping by age is more comfortable. 3. List seven items that typically are included in the information obtained from families during the enrollment procedure. 4. List the four steps of the intake procedure that should be carried out when introducing the family and their child to the center program. 1. What are the four main findings from the Summary of Essential Findings conducted by the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University? 2. Provide four of the seven elements used in your text to define curriculum: 3. Provide five of the eight indicators of an effective curriculum. 4. Teachers often use web-based planning, list the four steps that are involved in this process: 5. List and define four of the six early literacy skills that have a strong relationship to later literacy skills: 1. List five foods that have a high-risk for choking in young children. 2. Explain how you would encourage a finicky child to eat. Include in your discussion at least three ideas that you would try. 3. List two things about the kitchen space that could affect meal planning and preparation. 4. Even though there are few screening or self-appraisal tools to identify specific health conditions that may seriously impair a caregivers ability to provide safe and healthy experiences for young children, there are some obvious things a director can assess when interviewing and hiring staff. List three of these things.