Clinical Gerontology Hypotheses
5-6 pages, double spaced, 12 pt TNR font. Here is the source: Van den Heuvel, Wim J. A. (2012). Discrimination against older people. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 22(4), 293-300. An overall summary of the key aspects of the paper (e.g. idea being presented, hypotheses, participants, methods, results). This should be complete enough that someone who hasnt read the article would be able to understand what was being evaluated, how it was being evaluated, why it was being evaluated, and what the conclusions of the paper were and why. The following questions need to be answered: In terms of the results, did the studies fulfill the hypotheses? Fully? Partially? Do the methods allow for the conclusions? What unexpected findings did this study uncover Were there any weaknesses to the studys methodology that you can think of (e.g. biased sample, gender issues, participant or experimenter bias, any confounds or artifacts)? Did the researchers suggest alternate explanations that may explain the pattern of data that they found in this study other than their theory? What practical applications can you see from this papers findings? How could it be used or potentially abused in the real world? Design your own study to answer questions about this theory or hypothesis that the current study did not. Be sure to include a rationale, methods, and hypotheses.