Clothing Mountains
This is extra credit activity worth 30 points.Clothing consumption (*only full answered surveys can receive full points) *In order to receive full points please provide honest answer and full description. You will not be graded based on your approach, or habit (but I have to account comprehensiveness when grading)What do you normally do with old clothing? (e.g. throw away, donate, hand-me-down, keep yourself)In the next question I would like to capture how big is your active wardrobe (e.g. does it contain 10 or 100 items your wear frequently?). Active wardrobe consists of clothing items you regularly/often wear.How many clothing items you wear on a regularly? Please list some brands that you regularly shop/wear.How many clothing items you DO NOT wear on a regularly? And please describe why.In the next question I am trying to understand the size of your inactive wardrobe. Your Inactive wardrobe consists of clothing items you own but you never/or rarely wear.How many clothing items you own but do not wear at all?For question 5 and 6 respond for your personal experiences and general ideas about US college students. Do you think that you personally buy more clothes/shoes/accessories than you really need? If yes, please describe why, if no please describe why. Please also describe some strategies you may use to actively wear clothes you already own, or to re-organize your wardrobe in more optimal way (if you own to many things for example, you may consider donating or sharing, or re-selling; or if you an impulsive buyer you may plan your purchases in order to buy only what you need etc.)Do you believe that US college students buy more clothes/shoes/accessories than they really need? If yes, please describe why, and please provide some technics we can use to prevent overconsumption.If you were asked to create your capsule wardrobe (and wear it during a school semester) and reduce your clothing consumption by the professor for the purpose of practicing “sustainable lifestyle” how would you feel about that project? Please provide both advantages and disadvantages of that project so that the instructor can evaluate if the project is worth trying.