Cloud Storage Forensics
Overview The key to being a good forensic investigator and security expert is understanding the field. This includes not only understanding current security topics, but understanding also understanding tools and concepts used in past. Understanding both prepares for the future. The purpose of the research paper is to allow students the opportunity to hone their research and reporting skills by studying a security topic. Assignment Students will pick a research topic to study and report on. The topic must be related to the field of cyber security and have specific application to the study and application of digital forensics. The topic must be approved by both instructors. Research is not intended to create new developments in the field, but to allows students to create a deeper knowledge and insight into digital forensics and cyber security. The paper should consist of solid research, citing at least six sources. Wikipedia sources are allowed, but must be backed by verified experts. The paper should be written in the IEEE standard. (Template included) Research should show that students have a solid understanding of their selected topic as it relates to digital forensics. This should include a section on background research and a section on how the topic has been used in the field, or potential future work. In writing the paper, the final document should contain a title page consisting of your name, topic, class name, and date of submission. Additionally, each paper should include an abstract, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and references. The paper should be approximately five to seven pages in length, excluding the title page. Comments made my teacher after first attempt: There were numerous grammar mistakes that showed me this was not proof read before you turned it in. The formatting was also not in IEEE standard, and you went overboard on the use on images. You also went past the 7 page maximum length requirement. After the first page I stopped pointing out every single error because it would have taken too long. The technical content of your report was also severely lacking. You primarily talked about the different things you can find on different cloud services, but didnt focus on why these things are important enough.