[ORDER SOLUTION] Competitive Intelligence
Complete Summary PaperInstructionsYou will have two weeks to complete this assignment.Choose a company (or project) that you are familiar with or that you can research online. Write a paper answering the following questions and incorporate the information learned within this course. The paper should be between 3 to 5 pages double space Arial font 10 point type. The paper should address at least five of the following questions and include at least two risk diagrams:What are the companys top risks, how severe is their impact, and how likely are they to occur?Does the company effectively identify the risk drivers internally and externally? How effective is the company in managing those drivers and its top risks? How often does the company refresh its assessment of the top risks?What are the most significant risks to the strategy, and what is being done to address these? Does the company understand the key assumptions underlying its strategy and align its competitive intelligence process to monitor external factors for changes that could alter those assumptions?Does the company articulate its risk appetite and define risk tolerances for use in managing the business? Does this impede or improve their business dealings?Does the companys risk reporting provide management and the board information they need about the top risks and how they are managed? Are there any organizational blind spots warranting attention?Does the board have the requisite skill sets to provide effective risk oversight?Is the company prepared to respond to extreme events or tail events? Are both a business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan in place?How would you improve this companys approach to risk management?