Complete Short Computer Task (FORD)
Im stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.
Computer Applications for Business Week 7 Assignment
MS Excel: Querying (Web)
Week 7 Assignment
Start with a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel online or installed version of Microsoft Excel with no template applied. A template is not allowed for assignment.
A local company would like to be able to search their inventory in an easy manner. They have given you data in table above, then:
Create the table above in excel.
oAdd two more rows of inventory data of your choice.
oFormat the column headings to be bold.
oIn Cell A14 put your name and GID number
Save workbook before filters as CS155Week7LastnameFirstName.
oEnsure you use your own lastname and firstname in filename.
Perform the following filters.
oAll inventory items with more than 10 in stock.
§Save as CS155Week7ALastnameFirstName
oAll inventory items from the manufacturer, Boles.
§Save as CS155Week7BLastnameFirstName
oAll inventory items under $100.
§Save as CS155Week7CLastnameFirstName
oAll inventory items with 5 or less in stock and a list price of less than $300.
§Save as CS155Week7DLastnameFirstName
Five files will be attached and submitted in one submission
File one Saved before beginning extractions. Save as CS155Week7LastnameFirstName
File twoSaved after Filter A. Save as CS155Week7ALastnameFirstName
File three Saved after Filter B. Save as CS155Week7BLastnameFirstName
File four– Saved after Filter C. Save as CS155Week7CLastnameFirstName
File five– Saved after Filter D. Save as CS155Week7DLastnameFirstName