Computer Network Security
(#1) In 1987, Denning wrote that the development of a real-time intrusion-detection system is motivated by four factors: 1) most existing systems have security flaws that render them susceptible to intrusions, penetrations, and other forms of abuse; finding and fixing all these deficiencies is not feasible for technical and economic reasons; 2) existing systems with known flaws are not easily replaced by systems that are more secure-mainly because the systems have attractive features that are missing in the more- secure systems, or else they cannot be replaced for economic reasons; 3) developing systems that are absolutely secure is extremely difficult, if not generally impossible; and 4) even the most secure systems are vulnerable to abuses by insiders who misuse their privileges. ****** Are these factors still relevant today? Are there any new factors that motivate the development of real-time intrusion-detection systems. Justify your answer. [50 pts] – Article is included as a .PDF for reference and use.******* (#2) ******* In your own words explain the concept of Network Security Monitoring (NSM). Provide five (5) recommendations made in the text for proper management of NSM devices (servers and sensors), to keep the NSM data secure and protect those systems from attacks. [50 pts] ***********