[ORDER SOLUTION] Concept Analysis
Our final assignment for this course is a research essay where you will investigate a pressing issue facing film, culture, or media brought about by the Internet and other digital technologies. You may revisit or expand on a topic you explored in your Media Model or Concept Analysis. Alternatively, you may choose a new topic to explore. In your essay: Describe the current events or situation surrounding your topic. Present an argument. You might choose to explain why this is a problem, and even offer an analysis of done to address it. You might argue that the situation presents an opportunity, which deserves more attention than it has currently. In other words, your essay must answer the following questions about your topic: What is happening here? Why is it important? What should be done about it?” Include a clear thesis statement which answers these questions. Use facts and research to establish an informed position on the issues at hand. Consult at least 5 supporting sources for your essay. These must include: 2 or more scholarly peer-reviewed sources. 1 example pieces of media (such as a film, YouTube video, artwork, book, meme, blog post) used as evidence, a primary source, or case study. You may use the media example from your first assignment for this purpose. 1 newsworthy article or source Remember, a quote does not indicate research. Analysis of your sources should be integrated into your essay, nor merely quoted or cited. Need help creating a thesis statement? Check out this writing guides: https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/thesis-statements/ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/thesis_statement_tips.html Essay format 12-point Times New Roman font 1 Margins Double-Spaced Correct citations and works cited page included Grading Scheme The essay is worth 20% of the final course grade. The grade is determined by equal weight of the following criteria. Find the full rubric here. Integration of Research Depth of Analysis Thesis Topic Organization and Structure Format, Spelling, and Grammar Resources to Help You Looking for more resources? Check out these articles about writing about film: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/writing_in_literature/writing_about_film/terminology_and_starting_prompts.html https://www.wesleyan.edu/writing/writingworkshop/Writing%20Workshop/film.pdf