Confined Animal Feeding Operations
Confined Animal Feeding Operations
In addressing this question be sure to spell out how Aristotle would approach it and be sure to include: What is the end most directly involved with confined animal feeding operations? What are the means involved in CAFOs? (Just a few details should do) How does this end stand in relation to human happiness (eudaimonia)? and finally then, explain whether CAFO’s possess arete.
You’ll need to mention: how CAFOs fit into Aristotle’s notion of external goods (since, technically, food is an external good) how this fits into Aristotle’s thesis that “happiness is activity in conformity with virtue as determined by correct reason”. as much of Aristotle’s vocabulary as possible (like phronesis/prudence, sophrosune/moderation, etc) and cite the text (DO NOT USE SPARKNOTES OR ANY OUTSIDE MATERIAL) and for extra points, drag in someone else we’ve discussed this semester where you can. Micheal Pollan: Omnivore Dilemma, Tom Regan: The case of animal rights, Singer: All animals are equal, Aldo leopard: The land ethic, and Aristotle Book 1,2 and 6 of the Nicomachean Ethics Make sure to add some quotes from these reading to back up your essay.