Covid-19 Case Study
Clinical Replacement Assignment COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease PART 1 Answer the following questions with complete, grammatically correct paragraphs with sufficient information to succinctly, yet completely answer the questions. Answers should include current (within the last five years) references to support your assertions. In text citations and reference page should be in APA format. Writing considerations: · Be concise, yet thorough · Be professional · Proofread and edit as appropriate · Know your facts and support them with scholarly, evidence-based articles 1. What is COVID-19? (Include etiology, pathology and what COVID-19 stands for) 2. How is COVID-19 transmitted? 3. How is COVID-19 diagnosed? 4. Who is most at risk for infection from COVID-19? 5. What are COVID-19 symptoms? 6. What are the potential complications related to COVID-19? 7. What are effective containment strategies for COVID-19? (e.g. Is there a difference in PPE requirements? What kind for whom and why?) a. IF YOU ARE SICK? b. IF YOU ARE NOT SICK? 8. What does flatten the curve mean, and why is it important? 9. At the time of your writing, what are the current COVID-19 statistics for the state and county in which you are currently residing? 10. How is COVID-19 treated? (Include current treatments, and at least one potential treatment including scholarly support for your information) 11. What is the nurses role in infections disease outbreaks? 12. Choose one of the following FAQs and write (in conversation style) how you would answer the question if posed by a patient. Include scholarly reference to support your answers. a. Can mosquitos transmit COVID-19? b. Can Ibuprofen make COVID-19 worse? c. Are older people the only people at risk for COVID-19? d. If I have had COVID-19, am I now immune to the virus? e. Will warm weather stop the spread of COVID-19? *******All the of the questions should be supported with scholarly peer reviewed evidence, without quotes, just summarizations of information and citation.******* PART 2 Situation: William Jones, a 55-year-old male, presents alone to the Emergency Department with fever, coughing and generally not feeling well. He returned from Spring Break in Florida 1 week ago. Front desk has prioritized him to immediate examination and isolation. Background: Patient data: NKA, No immunizations to date. Ht: 71 inches Wt: 89 kg Vital Signs: HR: Sinus rhythm 105 bpm BP: 150/83 RR: 15/min SpO2: 98% Temp: 102.2 Cap refill: 2 seconds Past Medical History: Appendicitis 10 years ago; otherwise healthy History of Present Illness: Returned home from vacation in Florida one week ago. Started feeling ill yesterday with headache, fatigue and coughing. Stated started feeling feverish last evening but has not taken his temperature at home. Social History: High school basketball coach and history teacher at a local high school College age son who accompanied him on the trip is currently at home due to school closure. States wife has been visiting her mother in Arizona and has chosen to stay in Arizona for several more weeks due to the pandemic. Son does not show any signs of illness currently. Clinical findings: Coughing, chills, malaise Activities: Please include a written description of the following: 1. Describe the care that you would provide: (Be thorough with your explanation) Document a written head to toe assessment that you would perform including findings that you would anticipate including all body systems. (Do not document by exception) Clinical actions that you would take when caring for a patient with COVID 19 presentation and rationale for those actions. (e.g. What complications would you be watching for including symptoms? How will you respond to fears, concerns, isolation? What lab values will you be watching to alert you of potential complications? What interdisciplinary team members may be required?) What communication techniques that could be used for this patient? What communication techniques that could be used with family given the restrictions for visiting? Patient education that you would provide If they are admitted to the hospital, what should they expect? If they are discharged home, what do they need to do at home? _____________________________Below is not required____________________________ Debriefing activities: (to be completed during virtual clinical post conference with instructor: What key points did you take away from this activity? What is your reaction when caring for a patient with suspected COVID-19?