[ORDER SOLUTION] COVID-19 Vaccine Reception
Big Problem: On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic. The disease, which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has now infected nearly 20 million persons worldwide, with a global mortality rate of 3.7%.Current Problem: However, amid overwhelmed US healthcare systems and fears of contracting COVID-19, routine vaccination rates declined significantly across all populations in the US, with demand plummeting as much as 95 percent for certain vaccines. These declines are dangerous to public healththe US can no longer delay life-saving vaccines and must address the concerning decline in vaccination rates.Research Question: How does the healthcare system enable the positive or negative reception of the COVID 19 vaccine among different categories of populations?APA 7 formatting – title page, body and referencesSubheadings:Background : (2 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences in each) – provide in-text citations to support importance of topic. This paragraph should spell out the BIG PROBLEM, discrepancy and Current problem.Literature review: A minimum of 3 paragraphs providing a literature review on three (3) academic articles related to the problem, the vaccine, or providing a similar research project.Aim/Purpose: One sentence that explains the Aim/purpose of the project.Research Question: State the research question (Don’t forget the question mark?)Methods: Design: State the design and why it was chosen (appropriate to cite a textbook here).Sample and setting: What sampling technique was used, where was the sampling done? This can be found in the lectures.Variables of interest: Which variables did you focus on and why? Proposed analysis: Discuss in a paragraph or two what kind of analysis would be appropriate for you to get the answers you want. (Citing the textbook is appropriate here).Importance of research in nursing and what would your project contribute to nursing knowledge related to COVID 19 and/or the vaccine? My takeaway experience from this Nursing Research class: What was the most significant thing I learned this semester about myself, about writing and about nursing research.