Creating a New Society | Instant Homework Solutions
Imagine that you are the new ruler of a new country. This can be a country on Earth, or in a fictional fantasy location. There are no rules or laws in your country at the current time. As the ruler, you are to create a set of laws and values that your people will follow that will demonstrate and foster gender equality. This will help lay the foundation for your great leadership and rule, as you will be remembered throughout the ages as The First of the Wise! In your initial post, introduce yourself as the ruler of your country. Describe your country, your people, and the set of laws youre developing to address gender equality. Use ethics of care as one of the driving frameworks of your laws. Bring in at least one additional ethical theory to suit your people and your style of rule. Regardless of which additional theories you choose, keep your goal in mind: how will you ensure there is no gender discrimination?