Creative Disney Story
Write a 2-3 page creative story about, or related to, a Disney movie.I suggest that you pick your favorite Disney movie or character and think creatively how you might write a story related to it.You could use one of the Disney movies or characters we discussed this semester, or you could pick another one. Maybe you want to combine movies and have a character from one movie interact with a character in another. How about if a few of the movie sidekicks had an adventure together? How about a story where the main character is the villain? Maybe you wantto rewrite the ending to a movie? The skys the limit!Guidelines You can write in first person or third person. Use MLA format for your paper. (See the guidelines below.) Use lots of descriptions and details. Think of your story as the possible inspiration for a future Disney movie or animated short. A minimum of 2½ FULL pages and no more than 5 pages, please