Criminal Justice Process & Jury Nullification
-Then please post a well-researched and SUBSTANTIVE main response to the two questions below (minimum 300 words) for each of the 2 questions) – Your main post must be supported (cite at least one source) using APA
(1) in-text citations and (2) list of references. –
Remember you can borrow ideas or information from any place but must (a) summarize the information in your own words, and (b) cite your sources.
None of our discussion questions can be answered in only one PARAGRAPH-each major thought or idea should ideally be discussed in a separate paragraph. Be sure to cover all parts of each question.
Post as ONE file and please repeat each question and then write your response under it.
You must space out your work so it is clear which part of the question you are answering at any point!
Please respond to each of the following TWO QUESTIONS using at least 300 words per question.
Write the number of WORDS used ONCE at the end of each of your two responses (two numbers only).
Question #1: 1. The criminal justice process from a legal perspective may be divided into three stages. In your own words, please summarize these major stages-procedure before trial, during trial, and after trial. Provide examples please.
Question #2:
2. What is jury nullification? Give examples. Are you for or against it? Why or why not?
What do you understand by Nolo Contendere Plea?
What is the effect of this plea?
Distinguish between a grand jury and a trial jury. What is “a hung jury”? DISTINGUISH BETWEEN AN “INDICTMENT” AND AN INFORMATION.