Critique of GDP Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions
In the module you watched a video of Stiglitz critique GDP as a measure of well-being and you learned that Sen also rejects that as a measure of development. For another critique of GDP you may want to read this article from The Economist . For a defense of the use of GDP you may want to look at this post by Nicholas Oulton titled Hooray for GDP? GDP as a measure of wellbeing (Links to an external site.) ? In this discussion I want you to make an argument why we should continue to use GDP or why we should replace this measure with another. You will need to think of the purpose of its use and how that interacts with your argument. For example, you may argue that it is a very good measure to use for one purpose, but for a different purpose we need a different measure. If you argue that we should replace it, you need to identify another measure that, while not perfect, would be better. Be sure to make an original argument (to this forum), and comment on at least two of your classmate’s postings. Good comments will critique, extend, or clarify your classmate’s postings. Grading Information Your work will be graded based on how well the following criteria are addressed: Development of Ideas Evidence of Critical Thinking Responses to Other Students and Instructor