Crowd Modelling
What is meant by Crowd Science, Crowd Dynamics, Crowd Behaviour? And/or Crowd Risk Analysis stating what key theories underpin these areas of science? In a 4,500-word (minimum word count) essay, discuss. The essay should consider how the application of Crowd Science might be better incorporated into event planning, licensing/permitting/approval and event delivery. Please ensure that this discussion includes reference to official guidance documents and the wider legal environment. The essay should also include a brief discussion of appropriate risk assessment methodologies for crowd safety, how this impacts on legislation and guidance, and/or which areas of crowd safety need improvement. Your background reading should be indexed using Harvard referencing. [MOU8] Refer to the report subjects below but don’t do each one, just talk around the risk of these subjects: · DIM-ICE · Density and flow rates for your event · RAMP Analysis (Routes, Areas, Movement, Profile/People) · Congestion/Risk Maps for your site · Decision Support Analysis Risk Assessments Crowd Modelling / dynamic modelling