Cubists and Reality
Please answer the following question through the reading I gave. Responses should be about two-three paragraphs in length and be accompanied by images. These should illustrate your points and be taken from the lecture/reading material or something associated with these ideas. Cubists transformed the traditional representation of reality (Apollinaires nature and resemblance) into near-abstraction. What role was played by geometry and the fourth dimension as well as new theories of linguistics (iconic and symbolic signs; Picassos adjectives)? Discuss the differences between Analytic and Synthetic Cubism using the elements in Still Life with Chair Caning (1912) as an example. Is the painting Les Demoiselles dAvignon the beginning of Cubism? Why or why not? Evaluate the portrayal of gender and African art. (Use your lectures notes, Apollinaires Cubist Painters (especially sections II-IV and VII), the textbook, and the essays in Art Since 1900.)