Cultural History
Ancient and recent cultural history of ethnic identityEthnic groups are often identified as other as a result of something that happened in the past- either they migrated to this area, they took the wrong side in a political struggle or war, they participate in a different religion, and/or they served as scapegoats for something that happened to a larger group. Learning objective: To describe the traditional culture of a particular group in order to fully understand their relationships with other groups, and to understand the cyclical nature of hostility and prejudice. Writing tasks: Please write a two-page essay on the cultural history of your choice of ethnic group. Cite your sources correctly, and please do not use Wikipedia.What is the original pre-history of this group? Go back to Wells data [Link]on (pre-historic) early human migrations to establish your group, then provide historic data on how they got to where they are now.Provide some cultural information about this group (most of your essay). What is their religion? How did they come to participate in this religion? Did they previously participate in a different one? What about art, music, and dance? Marriage norms? Ways of making a living?How do their cultural traditions and preferences identify this group as different from other, surrounding groups? Have they assimilated to another group, or do they maintain contrastive self-identification?