Culture And Ethnicity
NUR102 Culture & Ethnicity Project:It is important that the healthcare team, particularly RNs, individualize treatment and care for clients. Culture, ethnicity, and spirituality all impact the way the client views health and illness, as well as their ability to cope and adapt with disease. To deliver holistic and professional care, RNs must encompass the clients beliefs, desires, and directives. The goals of this assignment are to become more knowledgeable regarding people of different cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs while practicing the roles of the RN (teacher, researcher). This is a 2-part project that will include a 10-15 min PowerPoint presentation for classmates, as well as a scholarly paper. Students will create a PPT presentation in preparation to write a paper. The presentation will be worth 15 points and the paper 25 points for a total of 40 points for the total assignment (see Canvas for Rubrics). This assignment will be factored as part of the 95% of the grade. Please review the prompt below as well as the rubric to understand how you will be graded. The entire group must participate in the group presentation to earn points.Presentation & Paper Should Include:Ethnicity vs. culture for the assigned groupCustoms: concepts of family, gender norms, death and birth rituals/beliefs, ideas regarding childrearing, food anddietarypreferences/restrictions, educational beliefs, religion/spirituality/prayer?Describe 2 spiritual or religious beliefs common amongst the cultural or ethnic groupBeliefs regarding Elderly and AgingProfessionalism and Nursing implications of caring within the culture What should the RN caring for the client know to deliver holistic care? How does a nurse present herself/himself as a professional? Whatdoes being a professional mean?Common non-verbal communication (eye contact, touching)Health Beliefs /DisbeliefsBeliefs about painLoss & grievingPossible Ethnic Groups:Native Americans Asians or Pacific Islanders Middle Eastern/Arabic African Americans Hispanic or Latinos Caucasians/Western Europeans (Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland)Northern Europeans (Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK)PPT Guidelines:1. Oral presentation should be 10 12 minutes in length, should be clear, concise, and practiced. Do not give entire presentation reading word for word from the slides or your notecards. It is an expectation that students will have a working knowledge of the assigned group to educate others.2. Include at least 7-10 slides (no more than 15) not including Title & Reference slides (these slides are a given and must be included).3. Must be visually appealing and include graphics and images in addition to typeface.4. Reference page in proper APA format (please review the resources on the ClassPath or Purdue Owl. Do not forget to cite the visuals as needed. Info Commons Librarians can help with this too as well as the Writing Center.