CUNY York College Human Diabetes Risks & Types Discussion
CUNY York College Human Diabetes Risks & Types Discussion CUNY York College Human Diabetes Risks & Types Discussion At the end of the semester, you will have an opportunity to present an article to the class on any topic of human biology that interests you. Choose your own topic; the article must be at least 2000 words long, published since 2016 and cite scientific evidence. The article could be from a science magazine (eg. The Scientist, Scientific American), newspaper (NYT, WSJ, etc.), or journal article (JAMA, Journal of Neuroscience, Science, Nature). It MAY NOT BE A WEBSITE (such as NIH, WebMD) or an ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRY (such as Wikipedia). The article can be found by using online databases in the York Library, or by visiting newspaper and magazine websites. Check out , or for ideas. You can also try a topic search using Google Scholar. The article must not only mention a topic in human biology, but must go into depth. Ask me for guidance if you are uncertain whether the article you choose is appropriate. CUNY York College Human Diabetes Risks & Types Discussion ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Article Summary Once you have found your article, read it with the aim of writing a 2-3 page summary (Word or PDF, submit in Assignment). The summary should be double-spaced with 12 pt font and have 1 inch margins. Begin the summary by giving the full citation of the paper. Then, write a clear and concise summary of the article that is free of grammatical and typographical errors. The writing must be in your own words . Do not quote from the paper or cite other sources. In your summary, include at least a paragraph (more if necessary) for each of the following sections: Introduction Discuss the basic concept or question that was addressed by the article. This section is critical to the review because you need to lay out the issue and explain the purpose of the article. Identify the issues, the scientists and the methods used Who is the author? Who did the work? What are their qualifications? Where was their original work published? Can you find the original publication? The easiest way to find out more about researchers is to Google their home page. How was the research done (what were the methods)? Results What did they find? Briefly indicate what has been discovered about the topic. Discuss the most significant results and indicate how they address the questions posed in your introduction. Discussion and conclusion How do their findings advance our understanding of human biology? What more is there to learn? Are any new projects on the topic planned for the future? The completed summary should be uploaded to Blackboard before 11:59 PM on F 12/4/2020. Check the SafeAssign report for originality score and revise as necessary to bring it within reason. Article Presentation Class presentations of the articles will take place during the last week of the semester, W Dec 2, M Dec 7. Prepare and present a PP or PDF presentation! Spend about 5 minutes sharing your articles findings with the class and answering questions on the topic from your instructor and classmates. In addition, please include a copy of your article with your submission on BB. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10