Current Issues Related to Artificial Intelligence
Your task is to find a current event, project, or issue that relates to AI, and evaluate the ethics involved. You must consider multiple points of view, not just your own as well as the implications that come from these points of view. We mentioned various ethical scenarios in class that can help you to consider your analysis. Remember in much of AI, context is king. This can be the case in ethics also. You may want to think about e.g. describing the types of competing loss/utility evaluations that might lead to different AI actions in the issue you choose. You should also read about the 5 pillars of ethical standards here: Consider the effects and impacts of AI on everyday life. Some examples to consider: AI and Justice AI and Medicine AI and Civil Rights AI and Warfare Defining AI AI Regulation AI and Human Jobs AI and Privacy Fair AI AI and Misinformation You are welcome to discuss another topic providing there is enough AI content to make it relevant. You will then need to collect sources surrounding this scenario. These can be newspaper articles, blog posts, book chapters etc. It is always good to have more than one source, now more than ever. You are free to choose your topic around what interests you, but I recommend that you read the grading rubric below before making a final choice. Make sure you choose a topic on which you can write a paper to earn maximum points.