Cybersecurity Strategic Operation
Find five scholarly articles or other reputable sources (you may also use government publications), one each of the following three topics: 1- National Cybersecurity Strategy of the United States of America 2- Implementation of a cybersecurity policy within an organization 3- A national response to cyber attacks vs. the Schmitt Analysis 4- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) implementing a policy / policy concerns/ flaw 5- A National Response to Cyber Attacks vs. the Schmitt Analysis For each topic; discuss, in your own words, the following for each article: · The main point of the article. · The relevance of the article in todays cyber operations · Make one additional point you would like to see mentioned in the article with justification. Requirements: · APA format. · Cite where applicable. · Each article discussion should be 2-4 full pages. · Submit a single document with all five article discussions.