DARE Program Persuasive Essay
THIS ESSAY TOPIC IS ABOUT THE D.A.R.E PROGRAM AND HOW ITS NOT EFFECTIVE. Your final project paper is due this week. It is a persuasive essay, which means you will attempt to convince your audience to adopt your opinion of the topic. A persuasive essay usually involves a controversial topic. The course project must thoroughly examine the following, as noted in the outline assignment in Module 3: History. This should provide a thorough summary of your topic from its inception to modern day. Incorporate the changes to the program or philosophy that have occurred. Current status. Consider aspects such as how many officers/therapists/volunteers are involved, how many children are served, how many programs exist and budget information. Incorporate any information that informs your audience of how the topic is doing today. Benefits. Describe two benefits of your topic that are supported with statistical, scholarly research. These provide proof that your thesis is true. Drawbacks. Describe two drawbacks of your topic that are supported with statistical, scholarly research. These acknowledge that every argument has opposing viewpoints. Opinion. Based on the information provided, what information best supports your thesis? Persuade your audience that your thesis is correct. The project should also include an introduction and conclusion. The introduction should gain the readers attention, demonstrate the thesis and provide an overall summary of what the paper will cover. The conclusion should explain how the thesis was demonstrated and recap the overall summary.