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This week complete the issue of proposal. An issue proposal which is a paper establishing what topic you have chosen, why you have chosen it, and what information you need to research. The Issue Proposal is a 4 page assignment which introduces your issue, explains why it is compelling to you, describes what you already know about it, details what more you need to learn about the issue, explains why you think it is important or significant, and expresses any opinions you have about your issue whether you are for or against it, etc. Do some background reading on your topic to make sure that you find enough information on it and to get a general idea of it. Your background reading should consist of credible sources such as journal articles, magazine articles, books, reputable websites, etc. Write a 4 page issue proposal (2000 – 2500 words) paper addressing the following five items. THIS PAPER DOES NOT NEED DOCUMENTED MATERIAL. EVERYTHING IN THIS PAPER SHOULD BE YOUR THOUGHTS, QUESTIONS, AND OPINIONS ONLY. Introduce the issue. Frame the argument, and briefly describe the two basic opposing viewpoints. Explain why it is relevant now. End this item by presenting the issue in question form. Explain why the issue is compelling or interesting to you. Why do you want to write a paper on it? Briefly describe what you already know about it. If you do not know much about the issue, just say so. Do not make up information about it or plagiarize information about it from some source. Just provide general information or common knowledge reported in the news and so on, not specific facts or statistics that you would need to consult some source to learn. Explain what else you need to learn about the issue in order to write a persuasive research paper about it. Clearly state which position you plan to take on the issue in your paper. For instance, if your paper topic is sports gambling, and you are personally against sports gambling and plan to argue against it in your paper, state this. Conversely, if you are in favor of sports gambling and plan to argue that it is necessary, state this. This position will form the basis of the thesis you will attempt to prove in your research paper. The thesis is the main point you want to make and prove in your paper. If you think sports gambling should be done away with argue this point in your paper, then this viewpoint would inform your thesis. You do not have to stick to this position. In fact, is common for students to modify their views or positions on issues as they conduct research on the issue. Each paragraph of the paper should address one of these items. You may do some research in the process of selecting a paper topic. If you do learn some specific facts or statistics about your topic from your preliminary research, save them for the research paper. The object of this issue proposal is for you to introduce your topic to me and tell me what you already know about it, what you would like to know about it, why it is important or interesting to you, and your position on the issue if you have one. Since this paper should not incorporate any research material, it does not need to be documented with citations. If you use any material from a source in your paper without citing it, this constitutes plagiarism, which will result in a failing grade.