Design Review and Support Assignment
Design Review and Support Assignment
Design Review and Support Assignment
Review Ch. 1 and 3 of Greener (2011) and the DCRS to develop your research method (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method) selection rationale.
Expand your précis by adding a Nature of the Study section to support why your selected method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method) and research design are the most appropriate method and design to achieve your research goals.
Format your Selected Method and Design Review and Support Assignment assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your Selected Method and Design Review and Support Assignment assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
DOC 722 WEEK 8 Finalizing the Draft Document
Reflect on the facilitators feedback during the course and ensure that your paper conveys a well aligned and feasible study plan.
Finalize the document for review. At this point the paper should include the following sections:
Chapter 1:
Problem Statement
Purpose of the Study
Population and Sample
Significance of the Study
Nature of the Study, including
Appropriateness of the method
Two potential designs with support for the most appropriate design
Proposed data collection instrument
Proposed data analysis approach
Research Questions/Hypotheses (if applicable)
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms
Scope and Delimitations
Assumptions and Limitations
Chapter Summary
Chapter 2:
Literature Review (note that this chapter should be 30 to 50 pages in length prior to submitting the full proposal to QRM) with subheadings for:
Title Searches and Documentation
Historical Content
Current Content
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Literature
Methodology Literature
Research Design Literature (using thought leaders in the design)
Chapter Summary
Format your assignment and citations according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
DOC 722 WEEK 2 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework and Literature Review Strategies
Review Ch. 1-3 of Ravitch and Riggan (2017) and the DCRS for guidance on developing a theoretical/conceptual framework to underpin your proposed study based on foundational and current theories. In addition, review Ch. 3 of Ridley (2012) to identify strategies for conducting your literature review.
Review the Developing a Conceptual or Theoretical Framework presentation.
Expand your concept paper by adding a Theoretical Framework or Conceptual Framework section that is relevant to your program and topic. Include three to five relevant theories, including both foundational and current theories. Additionally, add a Literature Review Strategy section to convey your search strategy, including the relevant databases and key words to be used during your literature search.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
DOC 722 WEEK 3 Potential Research Designs
Reflect on the facilitators feedback and method recommendations based your Week 2 assignment.
Review Ch. 4-6 and 8 of Greener (2011) to select two research designs within your research method that would best align with the purpose of your study.
Review the Selecting an Appropriate Research Design presentation.
Add a discussion within the Nature of the Study section to describe the applicability of the two designs you selected. Compare and contrast the two potential designs within the context of the purpose of your study. Include a rationale to support which of the two designs you feel might be the most appropriate to achieve your research goals.
Include citations to support your selections.
Format your assignment and citations according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
DOC 722 WEEK 5 Population and Sample
Reflect on the facilitators research question/hypotheses feedback.
Review Ch. 4 and 8 of Greener (2011) to examine the concepts of population and sample relative to your selected study method. Additionally, review the concepts of study scope, limitations, and delimitations provided in this text along with the requirements outlined in the DCRS.
Add a Population and Sample section to describe the proposed population and sample size for your study. The proposed sample size must be appropriate to your selected methodology in order to achieve your research goals. Also add Scope and Delimitations and Assumptions and Limitations sections to describe these aspects of your proposed study.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
DOC 722 WEEK 4 Reevaluation of Research Questions/Hypotheses
Reflect on the facilitators feedback and design recommendations based on your previous assignments.
Review Ch. 1 of Greener (2011) and the DCRS for research question development guidelines. Note that research questions are required for all studies regardless of the method.
Review the Developing Research Questions presentation.
Reevaluate your précis research questions to ensure alignment exists between your selected design and the format and focus of the research questions. If your study will be quantitative or mixed method, also reevaluate or develop hypotheses that align with your selected design and the research questions.
Revise the Research Questions/Hypotheses section of your précis, if necessary, to improve the alignment with your selected design. Also revise the Nature of the Study section to briefly discuss your proposed instrument and how it will be used to be used to address your research questions and hypotheses (if applicable). This section should describe your proposed data collection instrument (i.e., your interview questions, questionnaires, or surveys) and potential data collection mechanisms such as SurveyMonkey®.
Reflect on how you might analyze your data (e.g., manual content analysis using NVivo for qualitative data or SPSS® for quantitative data).
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
DOC 722 WEEK 6 Literature Review
Read Ch. 1, 2, 6, 10, and 11 of Ridley (2012) to identify how to conduct and develop a comprehensive, synthesized literature review.
Review the Literature Review tutorial.
Continue to develop your Literature Review section by expanding on the theories described briefly in the theoretical/conceptual framework. Include both germinal and current literature on topics related to your study. The flow of the topics should be from broad to narrow. Your concept review must include 20 to 30 pages of synthesized, relevant literature in Chapter 2.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.