Discrimination in The Workforce
For this assignment, you will prepare quantitative (numeric) data that will serve as supporting evidence for the argument presented in your Congressional Testimony. The objective of this assignment is for students to demonstrate the following quantitative literacy competencies: a) identifying data relevant to the topic of your Congressional Testimony, b) presenting quantitative data visually with accuracy and clarity, and c) describing quantitative data in writing in an organized, grammatically correct manner.Your assignment submission will consist of two parts: 1) Charts presenting the data for three variables from Social Explorer or GSS Data Explorer. 2) A written report summarizing the data presented in your charts. (https://gssdataexplorer.norc.org)Your data will be drawn from one of two sources: Social Explorer or GSS Data Explorer. Lecture 5bi explains which data source is best suited for your project topic. Social Explorer has statistics about the population characteristics of a particular place, while GSS Data Explorer has statistics about U.S. adults attitudes, preferences, and behaviors spanning a wide range of topics.After you have decided which data source best fits the topic(“My topic is discrimination in the workforce”) of your Congressional Testimony and the argument you would like to build, you will browse the collection of variables available in the data set and identify three variables that broadly relate to concepts you will discuss in your testimony. Lectures 5bii and 5biii provide step-by-step instructions for identifying variables and downloading data from each data set.You will use Google Sheets to prepare two-three charts (depending on the variables used) displaying data for your selected variables graphically. Instructions for creating charts are available in Lectures 5bii and 5biii. Students using Social Explorer should present data comparing the geography of interest to the U.S. population as a whole, to provide comparative context. Your chart must be carefully labeled to clearly communicate the information displayed and should be organized so that viewers can easily and accurately interpret the information presented.Copy your completed charts into a Google Doc. Give your charts titles that describe the data represented in each chart. Write a paragraph for each chart that explains the data presented using grammatically accurate language. If you are struggling to write about your data charts, you would benefit from READING examples of how statistics are typically written. The Pew Research Center (https://www.pewresearch.org/) is a great source of short reports containing models of writing about quantitative data.