Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review

Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review This assignment will help you practice using an annotated bibliography to keep track of your research readings. Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review In this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography detailing the contribution of the scholarly work toward the researchable IT topic you selected in Week 1. To complete the assignment successfully, read all twelve of the scholarly articles you selected in Week 2. Your annotated bibliography should include an evaluation of the author’s background, articulate the type of readers that the article is targeting, how this article contributes to the field, and how it helps or supports your selected research topic. Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review Submission Details: cite references and use APA format !! su_its4099_w1_a3_dalton_c.docx su_its4099_w2_a2_dalton_c.docx Running head: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Business Intelligence Chernae Dalton 7/2/20 1 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 2 Background Information Business intelligence (BI) utilizes data mining, business analytics, data tools and infrastructure, data visualization, and a couple of other best practices to enable organizations to make more effective data-driven decisions (Azma & Mostafapour, 2012). In contemporary times, businesses know that they have modern and effective business intelligence when they have a more comprehensive perspective of the business’s data and utilize that data to eliminate inefficiencies, drive change, and supply changes. By definition, business intelligence includes technologies, tools, and strategies utilized by organizations to analyze business information and data. One of the critical reasons to invest in a business intelligence system is to increase organizational efficiency. With increased efficiency comes increased productivity, which, in turn, improves the financial performance of the entire corporation. A business intelligence system saves on time when it comes to reporting analytics and other processes. (Azma & Mostafapour, 2012) This area of research is extremely critical for business owners because it advances their knowledge of data management. Also, the area of study is equally critical because it enhances the ability to establish suitable opportunities for a business, thus enabling business owners and leaders to plan for the future. While the fundamental tenet of business intelligence is that it can analyze the future and predict the past, this area of study is not limited to sales and marketing but also in health facilities in the analysis of treatment regimens (Olszak, 2016). Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review Because of business intelligence, business leaders across the globe have discovered how to utilize data to its fullest potential, a move that is contributing positively towards business success. It is important to note that there are various business intelligence tools used by various organizations. Currently, there is more information on what tools and business intelligence systems work better. Besides, business intelligence tools, in the current times, have become more attainable. According to Olszak (2016), business intelligence tools have enabled an organization to have robust data analysis BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 3 capabilities. Finding trends and receiving insights is critical for an organization to adapt and scale up as the days go on. This is particular, what business intelligence software comes in. Business intelligence is critical for data governance. An effective business intelligence strategy is made up of an effective data governance policy. It is imperative to cleanse the data before feeding it into the business intelligence tools for analysis. As mentioned earlier, business intelligence tools are attainable, and they come in different groups, with distinct features and functionality. Some of the business intelligence tools features and functionality include dashboards, reporting, OLAP, ETL, data mining, and predictive analytics, among others (Olszak, 2016). Indeed, the area of business intelligence is vast, depending on what features an organization desire. Although business intelligence is essential, it has several social implications that users ought to be aware of. The first issues touch on data privacy. For instance, in business, when purchasing behavior increases, then consumer monitoring increases as well (Olszak & Ziemba, 2012). Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review While some consumers hardly pay attention when their purchasing behaviors are recorded, the collected data might be exposed to third parties who might manipulate it to their advantage. Nevertheless, due to the dynamics of changing technology, data storage has often been significant to business intelligence. A business intelligence system is an acritical analytical tool that gives business leaders insight into how they can make strategic plans and goals for the organization. This is because a business intelligence system provides key patterns and trends in an organization’s data and makes it easier to make significant connections between different business areas that might otherwise seem unrelated (Yeoh & Koronios, 2010). It is crucial to gain competitive intelligence, sales, and market intelligence, deepen customer knowledge, and a better way to BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 4 achieve this using business intelligence. This is the motivation of this research, and it is important for the advancement of knowledge in the corporate and technology industries. This research area is important because technological advancements necessitate the need to integrate business intelligence into a business. This research area captures the attention of many because of the benefits associated with the use of business intelligence, tools, and business intelligence software. As such, the topic of business intelligence has been purposely selected to inform business owners on the need to utilize business intelligence to make smart decisions that will work for the betterment and success of the organization (Yeoh & Koronios, 2010). Additionally, business intelligence can manipulate and turn data into actionable information, while at the same time, improving organizational efficiency. The significance of this area of study cannot be emphasized enough. Most businesses operate in a highly advanced technological era. There is no better way to improve brand images, functionality, efficiency, and data management in organizations other than using business intelligence systems. Problem Statement the significance of utilizing business intelligence in business has bee widely recognized in various industries. However, numerous challenges have emerged in the field of business intelligence. Firstly, business intelligence is extremely costly, and this is an issue because some businesses lack the needed finances to access business intelligence. Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review Particularly, for small businesses, spending assets and plans have always been tight and somewhat hard. For small and medium-sized enterprises, conveying business intelligence is a significant worry (Yeoh & Popovi?, 2016). Most small and medium-sized enterprises tend to be debilitated by their tight and restrictive expenses of acquiring the right programming. Likewise, restrictive expenses entail searching for a qualified and highly skilled expert. This makes small business to settle on business intelligence merchants with adaptable arrangements together with insignificant BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 5 TCO (Yeoh & Popovi?, 2016). As such, expensive framework speculations that are expected from a business intelligence programming increases stress for small businesses. Therefore, the cost is a massive business intelligence issue that needs to be looked into for the benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises. Secondly, the lack of execution and training is a significant issue in business intelligence. Many a time, businesses have all-round exceptional apparatus arrangement and business intelligence systems but still need specialized training and abilities. One of the main reasons that have made small and medium-sized business to distance themselves from the usage of business intelligence is the requirement for extensive and broad training. The reasons behind the absence of the execution regularly tend to fluctuate and different. As such, extra and rigorous training is frequently required, especially when it comes to data administration applications (Yeoh & Popovi?, 2016). Associations ought to spotlight comprehension of their assets, the advantages of a business intelligence solution, and why business intelligence is required. Such associations should pay attention to progressing training so that consumers know how to use the frameworks without any difficulties. Thirdly, the unstructured data of business intelligence is yet another challenge. Organizations might channel resources into massive data investigations, but fail to finish the assignments promptly. Therefore, many business owners and business leaders are swinging and clinging to imaginative business intelligence devices to solve such issues in their business entities. Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review This might result in people investing more time organizing and cleaning the data before utilizing business intelligence services. Ideally, together with a programmed ETL capability, a business intelligence service can be used to process datasets that need to be rebuilt. This move enables small and medium-sized businesses to interface their data sources, establish new connections, see past the numbers, and even identify patterns to eliminate the mystery from essential business choices. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 6 Finally, the issue of deployment and installation has manifested severally. An extremely intense business intelligence service establishment and organization would be quite hard to keep up. In most cases, associations tend to gauge money and other related measurements, and yet they hardly go beyond that point. Without a doubt, even a hurried and spontaneous solution would be, in most cases, unsuccessful. While such money-related measurements are critical, they are regularly estimated towards the end of the year (Wixom, Watson & Werner, 2011). However, the measurements, in most instances, tend to be responsive. The measurements recognize and identify any business issues, and rather than handling the issues at ago, the measurements organize specific outcomes they need to attain. They are easy to take account of and gauge as well; however, small and medium-sized enterprises need to screen such measurement more. Moreover, all the problems on the rundown need to be handled sequentially before executing the business intelligence service. Notably, fitting and advanced KPIs are used to gauge executions and advances (Wixom, Watson & Werner, 2011). In summary, there is a great need to understand and address all the issues mentioned earlier to encourage the use of business intelligence for all businesses. When the issues, as mentioned earlier, get resolved, business intelligence will even get more positive reception not just from large business owners but also from startups and medium-sized businesses that are eager to expand and improve their efficiency and data management. Research Questions i. What are the current research advancements and industry practices in business intelligence? ii. What are the broader social implications manifested in the use of business intelligence? Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 7 Objectives the long-term goal of this research is to impart knowledge on businesses regarding the essentials of business intelligence and business intelligence solutions. Another critical goal is to outline issues affecting business intelligence’s effectiveness and efficiency, particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises. One of the objectives of this research is to provide a comprehensive review of the significance of business intelligence among businesses and corporations and outline a conceptual framework for business intelligence systems. Another objective is to understand industry advancements and practices in business intelligence while outlining its relevance to large, small, and medium-sized businesses. The study has the following sub-objectives; i. To provide a comprehensive review of tools and strategies of business intelligence, as applied in various industries ii. To review current research and practices about business intelligence systems Hypothesis This research speculates that the application of business intelligence has increased because of swinging towards technological advancements to improve data management and business success. Preliminary Literature Review A preliminary literature review outlines that past studies are principally focused on the significance of business intelligence to business success. Limited progress has been made on classifying various business intelligence tools according to their effectiveness, particularly in a comprehensive manner. This is because some of the business intelligence tools are yet to be explored to their fullest potential. To improve data management and business efficiency, the use of business intelligence has been recommended. For instance, if a business leader or owner wants to improve their control over various critical processes in their organizations, they should BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 8 invest more resources in an excellent business intelligence system (Chen, Chiang & Storey, 2012). Previous studies highlight that associations need to consider the business intelligence systems’ prices to increase the usage of business intelligence software and solutions.Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review Business intelligence has been used to enhance the visibility of different processes in business entities (Chen, Chiang & Storey, 2012). An effective business intelligence system can identify areas that need further improvement within an organization. There is no better way to save time and resources and improve productivity by having highly skilled analysts using the relevant business intelligence software to achieve all these. Research shows that an exceptional business intelligence system is capable of the needed insights to make successful and effective strategic plans for a business. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 9 References Azma, F., & Mostafapour, M. A. (2012). Business intelligence as a key strategy for development organizations. Procedia Technology, 1, 102-106. Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS quarterly, 1165-1188. Olszak, C. M. (2016). Toward better understanding and use of Business Intelligence in organizations. Information Systems Management, 33(2), 105-123. Olszak, C. M., & Ziemba, E. (2012). Critical success factors for implementing business intelligence systems in small and medium enterprises on the example of upper Silesia, Poland. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 7(2), 129-150. Yeoh, W., & Koronios, A. (2010). Critical success factors for business intelligence systems. Journal of computer information systems, 50(3), 23-32. Yeoh, W., & Popovi?, A. (2016). Extending the understanding of critical success factors for implementing business intelligence systems. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(1), 134-147. Wixom, B. H., Watson, H. J., & Werner, T. (2011). Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review Developing an enterprise business intelligence capability: The Norfolk Southern journey. MIS Quarterly Executive, 10(2). Running head: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Business Intelligence Chernae Dalton 7/5/20 1 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 2 Background Information Business intelligence (BI) utilizes data mining, business analytics, data tools and infrastructure, data visualization, and a couple of other best practices to enable organizations to make more effective data-driven decisions (Azma & Mostafapour, 2012). In contemporary times, businesses know that they have modern and effective business intelligence when they have a more comprehensive perspective of the business’s data and utilize that data to eliminate inefficiencies, drive change, and supply changes. By definition, business intelligence includes technologies, tools, and strategies utilized by organizations to analyze business information and data. One of the critical reasons to invest in a business intelligence system is to increase organizational efficiency,Fernandez-Gonzaliz,Jorge & Mouhib (2011). With increased efficiency comes increased productivity, which, in turn, improves the financial performance of the entire corporation. A business intelligence system saves on time when it comes to reporting analytics and other processes. (Azma & Mostafapour, 2012) This area of research is extremely critical for business owners because it advances their knowledge of data management. Also, the area of study is equally critical because it enhances the ability to establish suitable opportunities for a business, thus enabling business owners and leaders to plan for the future, Azeroual et al. (2018). While the fundamental tenet of business intelligence is that it can analyze the future and predict the past, this area of study is not limited to sales and marketing but also in health facilities in the analysis of treatment regimens (Olszak, 2016). Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review Because of business intelligence, business leaders across the globe have discovered how to utilize data to its fullest potential, a move that is contributing positively towards business success. It is important to note that there are various business intelligence tools used by various organizations. Currently, there is more information on what tools and business intelligence systems work better. Besides, business intelligence tools, in the current times, have become more attainable. According to Olszak BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 3 (2016), business intelligence tools have enabled an organization to have robust data analysis capabilities. Finding trends and receiving insights is critical for an organization to adapt and scale up as the days go on. This is particular, what business intelligence software comes in. Business intelligence is critical for data governance. An effective business intelligence strategy is made up of an effective data governance policy. It is imperative to cleanse the data before feeding it into the business intelligence tools for analysis. As mentioned earlier, business intelligence tools are attainable, and they come in different groups, with distinct features and functionality. Some of the business intelligence tools features and functionality include dashboards, reporting, OLAP, ETL, data mining, and predictive analytics, among others (Olszak, 2016). Indeed, the area of business intelligence is vast, depending on what features an organization desire. Although business intelligence is essential, it has several social implications that users ought to be aware of. The first issues touch on data privacy. For instance, in business, when purchasing behavior increases, then consumer monitoring increases as well (Olszak & Ziemba, 2012). While some consumers hardly pay attention when their purchasing behaviors are recorded, the collected data might be exposed to third parties who might manipulate it to their advantage. Nevertheless, due to the dynamics of changing technology, data storage has often been significant to business intelligence. A business intelligence system is an acritical analytical tool that gives business leaders insight into how they can make strategic plans and goals for the organization. This is because a business intelligence system provides key patterns and trends in an organization’s data and makes it easier to make significant connections between different business areas that might otherwise seem unrelated (Yeoh & Koronios, 2010). Discussion: Abstracting Studies from Literature Review It is crucial to gain competitive intelligence, sales, and market intelligence, deepen customer knowledge, and a better way to BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 4 achieve this using business intelligence. This is the motivation of this research, and it is important for the advancement of knowledge in the corporate and technology industries, Trieu, (2016). This research area is important because technological advancements necessitate the need to integrate business intelligence into a business. This research area captures the attention of many because of the benefits associated with the use of business intelligence, tools, and business intelligence software. As such, the topic of business intelligence has been purposely selected to inform business owners on the need to utilize business intelligence to make smart decisions that will work for the betterment and success of the organization (Yeoh & Koronios, 2010). Additionally, business intelligence can manipulate and turn data into actionable information, while at the same time, improving organizational effic .. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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