Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts

Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts Your Concept Synthesis Paper is due this week. By the due date assigned, submit your scholarly paper, in which you have identified, described, researched and applied the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nursing practice. Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts Collate the work that you have done so far from Weeks 1–3, and submit your paper in the prescribed format to the Submissions Area. Your paper should include: Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. The Four Metaparadigms: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on the four metaparadigms of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Two Practice-Specific Concepts: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on at least two concepts specific to your own practice. List of Propositions: A numbered list of at least five propositions or assumption statements that clearly connect the concepts described. Your paper should integrate these discrete elements and reflect your personal nursing philosophy. Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts The paper should be thoroughly researched and well documented, with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. The current APA Manual is to be used throughout the paper. Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to 4-6 pages. Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately. Your philosophy/framework is to be given a title that is appropriate to its content and emphasis. concept_synthesis_of_personal_philosophy.docx __essay5326136.docx Running Head: PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY Personal Nursing Philosophy South University Wendy Thompson April 17, 2018 1 PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY 2 Nursing Autobiography After completing my high school education in 1984, I joined Abraham Baldwin School of Nursing for my nursing studies. My love for nursing started when I was at the age of 8 after reading autobiographies about Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton. Apart from that, I admired the way they attended the patients. I also admired their determination and tenacity. I was amazed at the way they appeared to be full of knowledge when they were carrying on their duties. From then on, I had one goal in life; becoming the best nurse of my time. My experience at the Abraham Baldwin School of Nursing was awesome as the instructors exposed us, the students, to the nursing practice early on. I had hands-on experience in the local hospital. I had an opportunity to integrate the theories that I learned in class in real life situations. This has helped me in my current situation as a nurse. One thing I have learned as a nurse is that the four concepts in nursing play a vital role in determining if one will offer quality services or not. These concepts work together, and one cannot ignore any of them. Understanding the four metaparadigms helps one to succeed in the nursing profession. Four Metaparadigms The four metaparadigms of nursing include; the patient, nurse, health, and environment (Francis, 2016). In the nursing field, these four concepts are put into consideration when offering services. The concept of a person also referred to as the human being focuses on the patient who is to receive the care. Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts The patients should be viewed as valued people who deserve to be respected, nurtured and understood. A human being is unique, dynamic, creative and capable of reasoning abstractly. Therefore, patients should be given the right to make informed decisions concerning their health. In nursing, all the PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY 3 dimensions of human beings should be considered when dealing with patients. These dimensions are; biological, psychological, spiritual, intellectual, and sociocultural dimensions of human beings. It should be remembered that the person may be well or unwell and also there are other people surrounding the patient. These people can be the family members or the community. The second metaparadigm is the nurse. This is the personnel who are in the nursing practice. The nurse uses critical thinking and applies clinical judgment so as to give evidencebased care to the patients, their families and communities so as to achieve the highest level of client awareness in the nursing field. The integral part of the nursing profession is to provide human care. Nursing is an art and science of holistic health care whose guiding principles are human freedom, choice, and responsibility (Jairath et al., 2018). The environment is the other metaparadigm in the nursing field. The environment can be defined as the landscape and geography where the human exists. The environment encompasses the human social experience and includes personal, social, national, and global experience. The context of experience includes the differences in space, time and quality. The environment is the energy field where the human comes face to face with the aesthetic beauty, caring relationships, threats to wellness and health. The fourth metaparadigm is the health. The WHO defines health as ‘’a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’’ (Issue Information, 2016). Health is a dynamic process that focuses on the entire nature of the client in physical, social, aesthetic, and moral realms. Wellness in this context is the experience one has in possibilities and realities and is based on taking care and feeling cared for. Illness can be termed as the lived experience of loss or dysfunction that can care relationships can intervene. The level of health is determined by the interaction process between human beings and their environment. PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY 4 Major concepts in Nursing The two practice concepts which are specific to my own practice are the patient and the nurse. Although the other concepts are still relevant, the two will take the central part. Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts Since I will be working in a health center, I will interact with the patients who will come to seek treatment for their various illnesses. Every patient is unique and has the right to be treated with dignity. A patient also has the right to make decisions concerning their health and their decisions should be respected. The patient should also be informed of everything that is being done to them. The patient should also be given the nursing care that they deserve (Jairath et al., 2018). The other concept is the nurse. Being in the nursing profession, I must realize that nursing is an academic discipline and a practice profession. I will use critical thinking and clinical judgment which is essential for professional nursing practice in order to give my clients care which I evidence-based. Nursing Theories and philosophies A nursing theory is a phenomenon that is tentative, purposeful, and systematic that is projected by the creative and rigorous structuring of ideas. Through the nursing theory, nurses are able to develop the relative knowledge necessary for the improvement of the care of patients. A nursing theory is important because it gives a plan of what arrangement should be made to encounter new situations. The theories are also used to come up with a structure for communication among the nurses and also other representatives and members of healthcare team. There are many types of nursing theories. In this case, the nursing theories that will apply will be the Mid-range nursing theories. The function of the middle-range theories is to describe, explain, or predict phenomenon. These theories are simple and straightforward. They are also general and take into consideration a limited number of variables and aspect of reality. PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY 5 Integration of the theories and practice The theories will be appropriate in my scenario as I will be dealing with patients who do not need complicated issues regarding their phenomenon (Issue Information, 2016). In nursing practice, the patients represent themselves with health issues that need to be addressed. Since the Mid-range theories are simple and straightforward, I will not have a major problem when dealing with the patients. Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts This is because I will describe to them the situation they are in; explain in simple terms their conditions and what needs to be done and I will also use the theory to predict the phenomenon that may arise out of their situation. The nursing theories and philosophies will also help me in dealing with my patients and also in my nursing profession. Being able to explain things in a simple and straightforward manner is helpful in the nursing field. The theory also uses a limited number of variables and aspect of reality. Research supports There are many types of research which have been done that support the Mid-range theory. One of the researchers was done by Smriti Arora. In her research entitled ‘’Integrating the Nursing Theories into practice, she suggests that the purpose of her study was to help the nurses to describe, explain and predict their daily experiences. The findings of this research show that it is important to integrate theories and concepts in the nursing practice. Five propositions or assumption statements 1. In nursing practice, the patient should be explained to what is ailing him/her. 2. The nurse should describe the environment from which the patient comes from in a simple way. PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY 3. The theory should help the nurse to predict the phenomenon that may arise out of a situation 4. The explanations to patients should be simple and straightforward so as to bring contradictions 5. The number of variables used in a research should be limited. 6 7 PERSONAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY References Francis, I. (2016). Nursing Informatics and the Metaparadigms of Nursing. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. Issue Information. (2016). International Journal of Nursing Practice, 22(5), 417-418. doi:10.1111/ijn.12496 Jairath, N. N., Peden-McAlpine, C. J., Sullivan, M. C., Vessey, J. A., & Henly, S. J. (2018). Theory and Theorizing in Nursing Science: Commentary from the Nursing Research Special Issue Editorial Team. Nursing Research, 67(2), 188-195. Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis. Smarthinking Tutor Response Form Your tutor has written overview comments about your essay in the form below. Your tutor has also embedded comments [in bold and in brackets] within your essay. Thank you for choosing Smarthinking to help you improve your writing! Hello Wendy! My name is Mattie S., and I look forward to working with you on this Extended Essay Review to improve your writing today. Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts Let’s get started! *Writing Strength: Wendy, you did a good job of choosing scholarly sources. This is an important part of your paper, since the sources need to come from material that is peer-reviewed, while also containing a byline (the writer’s name). For example, one source, probably your best one, was “ ‘A practice theory approach to understanding the interdependence of nursing practice and the environment: implications for nurse-led care delivery models.’ “ Using sound sources is a huge part of your paper, per the prompt. Great work! * 10573392 has requested that you respond to the Content Development: The main issue with your content development was your nursing biography, Wendy. Not only is it a little short at 200+ words. The prompt states it should be a full page, which would be about twice that, maybe a little less. Moreover, the biography showed where you graduated from and what you do now, but not much else. Why did you want to become a nurse? When did you first think about becoming one? What makes it a rewarding experience? What don’t you like about it? In addition to answering these questions, Wendy, you might want to give an anecdotal experience that really moved you or defines you in some way. It could be anything. However, the anecdote should help shed light on who you are as a nurse. What one experience defines you and why? Why was the experience so memorable? Also, remember that it might be preferable to go over a page if needed. Less is not always more—sometimes it is just less. * 10573392 has requested that you respond to the Organization: The concern with your organization was that it was hard to decipher where your biography ended and the four meta-paradigms began, Wendy. You went straight from your bio to the four meta-paradigms. It is an abrupt change from one section to another. While you continue to revise and edit your paper, you should consider using sub-heads, which should be in the same font—but bolded and centered—above a new section. This will show the reader where new information begins. Further, when you start a list of definitions, like you did at the end of this paper, a sub-head would help, even if it isn’t a brand new section, but instead a continuation of one. This is because of the specific differences between your propositions and their subsequent definitions. Moreover, you should make sure each one is spaced properly, so they don’t run into each other. Formatting allows the reader to review a document without having to decipher where one part begins and another ends, Wendy. Use of Resources: Wendy, using resources properly to construct a well-researched essay is one of the most crucial elements of the paper. While you did use sources and they were formatted to APA standards, the sources themselves left something to be desired.Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts A source should complement a piece of your analysis. It should help support it. Moreover, a source should be relatively unknown. For example, you wrote, One of the philosophy in the literature of nursing is the Nightingale’s environmental theory which contains the four metaparadigms concepts of nursing (Alligood et al.2017). A statement like this doesn’t necessarily advance or support your analysis. Moreover, since it is well known, it doesn’t need to be cited. You only cite sources, per APA, that can’t be found in four or more sources. Also, it was general and didn’t say much about the source. You could have written this without citing it. Instead, use citations that aren’t well-known but back up your analysis on meta-paradigms, propositions, or definitions. For example, why is the national healthcare debate pointless? Why shouldn’t the initiatives be rolled out? You stated both these things in your paper, but went no further. However, a citation here that backed up your statements in some fashion would have added depth and weight to your paper thus far. Given this, how will you revise and add new citations? Summary of Next Steps: • Develop your biography in greater depth. • Organize your paper using sub-heads in APA style. • Use citations to back up analysis. Thank you for submitting your essay for a review, Wendy ~ Mattie S. I enjoyed helping you with this step in the revision process. Have a good day! You can find more information about writing, grammar, and usage in the Smarthinking Writer’s Handbook. _________________________________________________________________________________ Please look for comments [in bold and in brackets] in your essay below. Thank you for submitting your work to Smarthinking! We hope to see you again soon. Wendy Thompson NSG 5002 Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing Dr. Diana Kostrzewski April 11, 2018 Personal Nursing Philosophy I graduated from the Abraham Baldwin College School of Nursing where I got my degree in nursing later joined South University to obtain my bachelor’s degree of nursing. [This is an example of a run-on sentence, Wendy. A run-on happens whenever two independent clauses, or an independent and dependent clause, are joined without punctuation. To fix one, Wendy, you can generally use a semicolon between two independent clauses. However, here, you wrote an independent clause with a subsequent dependent clause that needed to be joined by a conjunction, like “and” or “but.” Another thing you could do is put the pronoun “I’ between “later” and “joined.”Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts Then, you could use a semicolon, if the clauses are closely related. Or you could put a period after “later” and create two sentences. Right now, without other revisions, you need to put a conjunction between “nursing” and “later.” Which tactic will you employ?] I further studied the skills and knowledge required in the emergency room and intensive care unit at several different area hospitals. Recently, I have started working with a fixed wing air ambulance service that allows me to travel internationally. I got my first job in a local area hospital where I primarily worked in the ICU and ER but also floated to every floor in the hospital except the operating room. During the practice of my nursing profession interaction with the patient was and still is a crucial aspect because one gets to learn about the different problems that the patient is suffering from. Currently, I work as a full-time flight nurse while I am going to school to further my education. This is allowing me to further my skills as an emergency provider by being able to interact with the patient in a prehospital setting. Nursing had always been my passion. I always wanted to see patients regaining strength again from different illnesses and that’s why I started programs back in the community where we had organized specific days of checking the health of the aged and the children in the society. The four metaparadigms mainly focus on the patient who is usually the recipient of care. Nursing as one of the concept is usually described as an enabling condition of connection which involves a high level of emotional involvement in the nurse-client relationship. The patient metaparadigm is the person who deals with the role of the situation, the role of the body, the role of personal concerns and the role of temporarily. Health is a metaparadigism that can be assessed in a human being in order to identify the well-being of the person (Bender et al, 2017). Environment involves a situation which suggests a social environment with a social definition and meaning. Two practice-specific concepts in nursing practice In my perspective some of the practice-specific concepts in nursing practice are; Being authentically present and enhancing and sustaining a deep belief system and subjective life world of oneself and the one of being cared for. Creatively using oneself in various ways of knowing as part of the caring process and also engaged in the artistry of caring-healing practices. [You need to organize this list better, Wendy. Right now, you use a semicolon to introduce two concepts. Neglecting the grammatical issues, it is difficult to read because of its organization. If you want to create a list of items, you should use a colon and then include the items in the list after the colon. Or, you could use a vertical, numbered format if there are more than three or four ideas. Here, you use a whole paragraph for one sentence. Instead, this list needs to be better organized so the reader can comprehend it easily. One way you could do this is by writing a topic sentence that states the two practice-specific concepts. Then, write four to seven sentences that convey why you think these are important or why you picked them. Discussion: Personal philosophy and two practice specific concepts Given this, how will you revise other issues with organization? When will numbered lists be appropriate? How would writing this as a paragraph help?] List of propositions The first proposition is that people are willing are unable to justify life-saving treatment that mostly does not have any connections with the entirely, discretionary and voluntary behavior. The second proposition is that the constant rancor and also the divisiveness about the national healthcare situation has no point. [You need to make sure your propositions and the definitions below reinforce each other, Wendy. Here, you say the argument about “the national healthcare situation has no point.” However, in the second item below, you discuss how the main objective to nursing is the well-being of the patient. How do these two correspond? What is the “national healthcare situation”? Moreover, how do the other propositions relate to the definitions, as the third one contains inconsistencies as well. These propositions read politically, but your definitions don’t relate to the propositions. How could you fix this? How can you make them relate? What do you need to revise?] The third proposition is that the federal health initiates should not be rolled out. The other proposition is that the state should be in a position to help the people who are not able to help themselves and the fifth proposition is that voluntary behavior should rethink the set of their ethical beliefs. 1. How do I define and employ the four Basic metaparadigms of nursing theory in my professional practice The four metaparadigms can be defined as the social aspects which surround the nursing practice. The four metaparadigms which include the patient, nursing, environment, and health can be employed in the nursing practice when the nurse is interacting with the patient. Health in the case includes the wellbeing of the patient and the nursing is the person who is carrying out the assessment of the well-being of that patient in a certain social setting which is the environment (McEwen et al, 2017). 2. unique to my professional practice The metaparadigms of patient and health are unique in my nursing practice because the main focus of n … Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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