Dreamgirls the Musical
Please remember that an essay has:? a title? an opening paragraphwith your main idea for the essay? separate supporting paragraphs with supporting evidence or arguments? a closing paragraph that restates your main idea and your conclusionA Feminist Show? The Bechdel Test began as a method of measuring how women are depicted in movie (and movies in general). To pass this test, a movie must haveo At least two [named] womeno Who talk to each othero About something other than a manYes, Dreamgirls passes the test because of the conversation the three girls have about their careers before they go onstage for the talent show where they meet Curtis. Does passing the Bechdel Test mean that Dreamgirls is a show that that represents empowered women? How much screen time focuses on the choices made by the Dreamettes/Dreams in terms of developing their own artistry and careers and how much focuses on their relationships with their men? Who bears responsibility for their success? Of course, no one (on screen or in life) succeeds without the support of othersbut some folks get more credit than others. Is credit distributed fairly in Dreamgirls? Does anyone claim credit he or she does not deserve? You must use specific evidence from at least THREE different scenes or songs from the show to support your argument