Drug Policy Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
You will submit one research paper during this course. Paper will consist of the analysis of criminal justice theory OR criminal justice policy and it is your choice on the topic (it could be on Drugs, Incarceration, Juvenile, Police and Policing, CJ in general, and more). Paper topics MUST be based on class discussed issues and those covered in text book. Do not try submitting papers you already have previously submitted with other class, the turnitin will detect it and treat as plagiarized. I will NOT do any pre-review of any drafts; this is your final class and it expected you write an excellent paper. The expected length of your paper is ten (10) pages, excluding title and bibliography pgs. It should be typed in MS WORD, Times New Roman 12-point font, with double-spacing and one-inch margins. Any references should be cited using the APA format. Citation guidelines are available at the library and on the Internet.