Drug Prevention Psychology
1. Consider this scenario.You have a couple young children who have not yet started school. You live in a nice family neighborhood near all the schools. One of your neighbours who has children in elementary school and junior high was recently telling you about the growing problem the schools are having with students coming to class under the influence of cannabis. Apparently, some are using edibles, some smoking, and some are vaping it. The numbers are growing, and the ages of the students involved are from 12-17. Further information also indicates that this is becoming a widespread problem across the city and other communities. The schools decide to try to do something about it. They hire you to build a prevention plan. They hold a community meeting at which they talk about wanting to stop these kids from using. While you agree with the need to do that, you also believe that actions need to be taken to prevent the problem from growing and prevent it from occurring in future with the kids who are even younger. Of course, you also have a personal bias because you want something done that will help prevent your own very young children from using in a few years when they get to those ages. At the community meeting, people suggest all kinds of what sound to the public as great ideas for what can be done. You recognize that some would be effective and some not, some would help locally and some more broadly across other communities, and some would help the current users while some would help younger kids from having this problem later. But because people have suggested even the ineffective approaches, your plan also needs to address them to justify why you didnt take their suggestion. Please describe what your plan will and will not include and explain your decisions so I understand why.2. Write a paper that tells me how you would proceed with this situation. Based specifically on what we have covered in this second section of the course (Since the previous assignment), what would your overall plan be? What approaches would you take, who might you involve, etc.?3. This should not be written like a scientific paper and not in APA format. It should be written in more of a narrative or descriptive format, because its not a research paper. It is a description of what kind of approach will be taken to change this growing problem. It is being written for your school leaders and your community members, not for an academic publication. Get organized before you write, so it flows and makes sense when you do the writing. Feel free to break it into logical sections with headings if that helps. Also, please remember this is not an opinion paper. Do not make up approaches, or follow your hunch, or use approaches youve learned elsewhere because you think they make sense. It should all be based on the information in this section of the course. While I do not want references and APA format, everything you write in your plan needs to be based on evidence. Finally, please be precise in how you use your words (use a dictionary & thesaurus), so youre not saying things that arent really what youre trying to say.4. Follow these formatting rules: a. 12 pt. font size b. Arial font c. Single-spaced d. Margins 1 inch on all 4 sides e. Maximum 4 pages (not counting title page) f. Do not include any references, footnotes, or bibliography g. Organized using paragraphs, sections, heading, etc. h. Must be in Word (.doc) or .pdf format