Ecological Indian Essay
the relationships that Indigenous peoples formed with their environments not only shaped their epistemologies (and cultural beliefs as well as conceptions of place), but also had very practical consequences for the ways social and cultural (and spiritual) structures developed. Please respond to the following prompt using examples from our course materials: How should we characterize the relationship between Indigenous peoples and their environments? In other words, was there such a thing as the ecological Indian? Specifications/Expectations/Considerations you should be clear about what is meant by ecological Indian and provide a clear thesis/argument as a response to the above prompt. Provide at least 3 specific examples/evidence sections from course materials. Topics, themes, and ideas to consider: the Western Apache, origin stories, Seattle, other regional culture groups, the controversy surrounding The Ecological Indian, ethno-ecology, fire, buffalo. The essay should be 2-3 pages in length; times new roman; 12-point font; double-spaced. Please provide page numbers, a title, and use parenthetical citations. Do not use outside resources, focus solely on course readings and lecture/discussion notes.