Economic Accounting Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
This class is taught on the basis of real world examples in the accounting profession where auditors, tax preparers, advisory groups, etc. all work as teams and in groups to do projects for clients. In the group project, each student has been assigned a team and two sets of publically traded companies which they will analyze and compete against the other team to influence an investor who has hired them to invest in the stock of their assigned company. The group project is subjective and there is no one correct answer. It depends on how you and your group determine the best way to format, analyze and present to the investor in both a written analysis and an oral presentation. Written analysis needs to be approximately 15-25 pages. VIDEO presentations for each group should be 12-15 minutes. Detail individual: 1. For this project, the company you are assigned is Keysight Technologies. 2. Please read the Project Requirement carefully. 3. The topic you need to discuss is 8 & 10. – 8. Identify areas where you feel management may manipulate earnings? 5% – 10. Determine a CAPM and Beta based on information in the book. Be reasonable here, often there is no one correct answer 5%. 4. Write 2 page of the topic and you can insert chart if needed which is not count as a page. 5. Please watch the example project I provide ( Costco, Target) before do the project. 6. Due is September 1 (Tuesday). 7. The resource for the project you can find from the following website: – Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, &