Economic Systems in the Ethnography
. Write a 3-4 page analysis of economic systems in the ethnography. Apply what you have learned about economic systems from the textbook and class discussions to answer the followingWhat part of the economic system is described in the ethnography?How powerful is the role of the economic system in the ethnography?How does the economic system affect the people in the ethnography?What changes in the economic system does the author think are needed?Everything can be answered using the BOOK called ” Essentials of Cultural Anthropology: A toolkit for a global Age 2ND EDITION by Kenneth J Guest. The book is the color blue. Please use the BOOK and try to add another source to answer all the questions. Don’t forget to cite everything. I can’t attach the pdf of the book here because its 103 mb. But you can download the book in the b-ok.ccDue November 4.